[book 1] chapter nine: my twin gets in a fight

Start from the beginning

I wrapped my arm tightly around Brenton's to make sure he wouldn't run off to finish the mess he started. Since my brother loved to be a pain in the ass, instead of following me back inside he turned around. 

"We'll finish this later," he spat.

"Maybe next time you won't have your little sister come and save you."

"We're twins," I corrected, annoyed that anyone could possibly think for a second that Brenton was older than me. 

Wait a minute... 

I suddenly froze, my eyes widening as I recognized that voice. I turned to face the guy who fought Brenton, my breath catching in my throat.

His lips curved up, a dimple appearing in his left cheek. "It's a small world don't you think, Daniella?"

Brenton stepped forward and looked back and forth at James and me. "You two know each other?"

James wiped a drop of blood from his nose before extending his hand. "I don't think we've officially met. I'm your new neighbour."

Brenton's mouth flopped open and closed, making him resemble a fish. "You're shitting me."

"Afraid not." James glanced at me. "I can really see the similarities between you two."

"Let's go," I said to Brenton before he could do something impulsively stupid again.

"See you in class, Daniella," James called after me.


"Mom's going to kill us if she finds out we skipped," Brenton said. He plopped down on the cafeteria bench, placing his head in his hands.

"We?" I scoffed, sitting beside him. "I have study hall. You have law class."

"I can't believe that prick's our neighbour," he said for the seventeenth time within the last thirty minutes.

"What was your fight even about?"

"Kayley dumped me for that jackass."

I raised my eyebrows. "Who's Kayley?" Last I remembered, there was no Kayley at Stone Creek High.

He looked up at me in disbelief. "I've been seeing her for almost a week! How do you not remember?"

"You mean Katy?"

He shrugged. "Who cares?"

"Maybe that's why she left you." I let what he said sink in. "Wait, so they're together?"

Brenton shook his head. "I heard he rejected her. Told the dumb bitch he wasn't interested in a relationship."

I didn't know James well but he did not seem fit to be good friend material, let alone boyfriend material. He was a sociopathic asshole who liked to spread his miserable aura to everyone he came into contact with. 

"How do you two know each other?" Brenton asked.

"We're partners for a project."

Brenton jumped to his feet, making the rest of the people in the predominately empty cafeteria stare at him weirdly. "Switch partners right now."

"I can't, it was assigned."

"Fine. I'll talk to your teacher for you."

"Don't do that!" 

The last thing I needed was for Brenton to baby me. I was able to take care of myself, and for the record, I wasn't picking fistfights with James.

"Then you better talk to her yourself."

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