Iwaizumi counted each object as she listed it off, "Remember what the cell phone is used for?" He asked his daughter, hoping that the bright girl wouldn't forget the only reason why she had it.

She nodded and showed her dad a toothy grin, "Mhm! Only for emergencies like when I need a ride from school, if there's an intruder, and if I'm not feeling well!" She stated confidently, caramel eyes begging to leave the small apartment.

Iwaizumi sighed slightly as he crouched down to her to look his daughter in the eyes. "Did you say goodbye to your mother?" He asked her with seriousness, a tone he only used when he wanted her to do chores or to behave.

Her eyes widened as she dropped her backpack to run into the kitchen where a small framed photo of a woman with honey brown hair and light caramel eyes sat. The small girl grabbed the photo and kissed the woman's face warmly, "Bye mommy!" she stated with a smile of admiration before gently setting the portrait back down to run over to her father. "There!"

Iwaizumi allowed a small smile to cross his face as he looked at his daughter, half of him was thankful for the fact the small girl took after him more than her mother. However, her smile was the exact one that Wakumi always wore on her face and it made the young man feel saddened. He patted his daughter's head and slipped on his shoes, "Let's go to work, I don't need my morning cup of coffee because you already brightened my day kiddo."

Then the two of them left the apartment, the photo of his wife stayed behind like she did when he moved to Shibuya with his daughter. See you tonight Wakumi.


The two of them reached the hospital and quickly walked inside to avoid the bitterness of winter outside. The hospital was nice and cozy, it smelt like gingerbread and peppermint which made Iwaizumi's stomach grumble for a quick snack. He loved Christmas time for the jolly music and the caring demeanor people had when it came to December. Sachi made a gasping noise as her bright eyes rested on the giant Christmas tree decorated with various strings of bright colored lights, icicle ornaments, and small snowflakes that the kids from the pediatrics wing made and even little snowmen with employee names on them. It was like a Christmas wonderland inside of the large hospital; people buzzed around taking care of their jobs, interns followed a resident like little ducklings tailing behind their mother with wide eyes full of curiosity. Some guests sat in a waiting room chair with their head lowered which must have been the few people waiting to hear about their loved one's surgery status. Iwaizumi held onto his daughter's hand tightly as he walked over to the front desk to check her into the free daycare they provided for the hospital workers with children.

A young man with spiked up hair sat at the receptionist desk as he boringly browsed through his computer aimlessly, brown eyes dull and lifeless until Iwaizumi cleared his throat causing the young man to nearly jump out of his skin. "H-How may I help you sir!" The man exclaimed as he forced a smile onto his face, suddenly looking nervous as he looked at Iwaizumi.

"Um, I'm here to check my daughter into the daycare so I can work my shift. Her name is Sachi Iwaizumi, and also where might the changing rooms be so I could get into my scrubs?" Iwaizumi decided to ignore the strange nervousness the man was showing towards him and continued as if nothing had even happened. He took a mental note of the nameplate resting on the counter.

The brown irises belonging to the man named Kindaichi, widened slightly in astonishment as he quickly began to type in Iwaizumi's daughter's name. "Oh you're our new neurosurgeon aren't you?" He inquired.

"That's right Mr. Turnip-Head man; my daddy is your new surgeon." Sachi stated happily as she tugged on Iwaizumi's hand to tell him she wanted to walk around however he refused to let go of his kid in an unfamiliar and busy area.

Solace (Iwaoi)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant