Forty Two: Surprise?

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It had been two weeks since Finn and Caitlyn had arrived in Paris. Caitlyn was happy that she got to spend her birthday in Paris with Finn. She was two weeks into filming for her movie.

Caitlyn was in her dressing room getting ready for her 4th scene of the day. Her co-star walked up to me.

"You must be Finn." The guy said, shaking my hand. I recognised him. He was Caitlyn's character's love interest.

"Yes. You must be Timothy? Timothy Chalemet?" I asked.

"Yes. Caitlyn always talks about you during our breaks. She really loves you." Timothy said.

"Really?" I asked.

"Of course. I just wanted to be a good friend. On another note, our next scene is our first kiss. I was wondering if it would be too awkward for you?" Timothy asked.

"No. I don't mind. I wouldn't be a good boyfriend if I barred her from kissing another boy if it was just for a movie. Of course dude. As long as you don't try anything..." Finn said.

"Of course. There will be a s*x scene but that will be performed by our stunt doubles." Timothy said as he walked away.

As Timothy walked off, Caitlyn walked up to me.

"Happy birthday baby..." I said, kissing her.

She smiled before she walked over holding my hand.

Today is my 20th birthday. I felt a little off this morning. I didn't want Finn to worry about me, so I played it off. I asked my make-up lady to make my foundation a little darker than normal, since if you were up close, you could tell that I was really pale.

"Happy birthday baby..." Finn said as he kissed me.

I held his hand as I walked off.
Halfway through our day and I hadn't eaten at all. Timothy had noticed me and he could tell that I was off.

"Caitlyn...are you ok?" He asked as he walked up to me.

"Do you want me to get Finn?" He asked.

"N-No. I'm fine Timothy..." I said, slowly making my way to the next set. Once I got there and they yelled action, I felt a sudden urge. I ran out of the studio and made my way to the closest bathroom. As I vomited, someone knocked on the door.

"Caitlyn?! Are you ok?" I could recognise that voice anywhere.

I unlocked the door for Timothy and he walked in. As I continued to vomit, he held back my hair and rubbed my back. Finn bursted in and saw what he was doing.

"Thanks for helping her." Finn said as he let Timothy out.

"If you need me, I'll be here..." Timothy said.

Once Timothy was out of earshot, I spoke.

"I-I missed my period. It was supposed to start again yesterday..." I said.

"Wait...does that mean..." Finn began.

"We did have s*x two weeks ago..." I said, pointing out the obvious.
We went the day as normal. He kept looking at my stomach. Once we were allowed to leave, we went to the store and grabbed a test. Finn drove us to the hotel, me not in the mood to drive. I ran straight to the bathroom and took the test. I left the door open so Finn could enter.

Once I was done, I left it on the counter and left the room.

"Three minute wait." I said.

Three minutes had passed so I went into the bathroom. Without looking at the test, I took it out to Finn.

"Two lines means positive. One line means negative." My hands were shaking as I opened my eyes and looked at the test. One line. I took a deep breath out in gratitude, but I celebrated early. I looked at the test a second time and I saw two lines. I felt my fingers slowly release the test. As the test dropped to the floor, the hotel door opened to reveal all of our friends. A tear fell as they looked at Finn and I in happiness...until they saw what I had dropped.

"T-There were two lines..." I said, my voice was shaky.

"Two lines?" Gaten asked, totally confused.

Both Finn and Millie bent down to pick it up, Millie got to it first.

"Caitlyn...don't tell me..." She looked at the test before she looked at me.

"Two lines..." I said.

Millie put her hands over her mouth as she looked at me in shock. After a few seconds, everyone had caught on to what was going on.

"I-I'm going to be a father..." Finn said, his voice becoming shaky as well.

"I-I'm going to have a baby..." I said, my entire body shaking. I started to cry so I hugged Finn as he calmed me down.
"T-There were two lines." Caitlyn said.

"Two lines?" Gaten asked, completely oblivious.

Both Millie and I bent down to pick it up, Millie got to it first.

"Caitlyn...don't tell me..." She looked at the test before she looked at Caitlyn.

"Two lines..." She said.

Millie put her hands over her mouth as she looked at Caitlyn in shock. After a few seconds, everyone had caught on to what was going on.

"I-I'm going to be a father..." I said, my voice becoming shaky as well.

"I-I'm going to have a baby..." Caitlyn said, her entire body shaking. She started to cry so she hugged me as I calmed her down.

2 Boys vs 1 Girl// F.W + N.SWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt