Thirty Eight: Problems

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It had been a month since Finn was shot.

"You can't stay in the hospital all day Caitlyn!" Tom said as he paced around the car.

" need to understand I-" I was about to finish, but Tom stopped me.

"-I need to understand what? That you are still hung up on Finn?" Tom asked, clearly pissed.

"No. That is not what's happening! Everyone else is busy which means I have to be the supporting friend!" I said, my eyes starting to water.

"Yeah've been more of a supporting friend to Finn then you have been a supporting girlfriend to me..." Tom said, his heart clearly sinking.

"I-I'm sorry Tom...I just need to be there for him..." I said as I walked back into the hospital.

Caitlyn has been in the hospital since Finn was admitted. She just walked back in and I feel like she is slipping away. I barely see her as it is since we are always on other sides of the world when we are shooting our different movies part of the same universe. When we do see each other, she's always in her room, running over lines for other shows and movies. I miss her...but she's too interested in making sure that Finn's ok.

I walked back to Finn's room and sat beside him. As I watched him, I felt his fingers move.

"F-Finn?!" I asked, my heart racing. In pain, Finn sat up. He looked around, confused. When he saw me, he held my cheek with his hand. He smiled before he kissed me. I pulled away, before taking a deep breath in. Without thinking, I kissed him back. Tom would totally kill me right now.

I pulled away, not believing what I just did.

"I-I missed you so much..." Finn said as he hugged me.

"I-I missed you too Finn!" I said he hugged me.

I couldn't believe that Finn kissed me.

"Finn...what do you remember?" I asked, not knowing if Finn's memory was gone.

"Uh...we were at the StrangerCon babe...then...I don't the event over?" He said.

SHIT! He can't remember!

" and I aren't-" I was cut off by the sound of Finn's mother walking in.

"Finn!" She said. I walked out as she walked in. The first person I thought of calling was of course Millie.

Millie: Hey Caitlyn! Long time no talk!

Me: Yeah...but...I'm not calling for a catch up.

Millie: What's wrong? What's going on?

Me: You know how Finn was in hospital?

Millie: Yeah?

Me: He woke up 2 minutes ago.

Millie: That's amazing news...wait...why do you not sound happy?

Me: H-He...

Millie: Spit it out Caitlyn.

Me: He kissed me! Finn kissed me!

Millie: WHAT?! WHY?!

Me: He lost his memory from the past year and a half! The last thing he remembers was coming home the day of StrangerCon.

Millie: So he doesn't remember that you and him broke up??

Me: Exactly.

Me: I-I-someone else is calling me...I have to go.

Millie: What-

I hung up the phone before Millie could finish. I immediately drove home and slam the door shut. I slid down the door and cried. Tom rushed into the room and hugged me, trying to calm me down.

"Shhhh...calm down baby." Tom said as he held me.

After a while, I managed to calm down and Tom took me to our room and put me on the bed, letting me rest.

As Caitlyn hung up, I felt super confused. I drove to the hospital and went to see Finn.

"Hey Finn..." I said, still not really believing what Caitlyn had said...but when Finn heart dropped.

"Hey...Mills. Has the StrangerCon thing happened yet?" He asked, completely oblivious.

"Finn...StrangerCon is happened over a year ago. and Caitlyn are broken up." I said, hoping that he wouldn't be hurt.

"You're lying. Caitlyn loves me and we are still together..." Finn said, determined to believe what he was saying.

"I-I'm sorry Finn...but I'm not lying." I said, my eyes dropping.

"Get out." Finn spoke deadly.

"What??" I asked, super confused by Finn's word.

Get out. Your lying to me and I hate liars!" Finn yelled at me.

"Finn...I'm not lying. I would never lie to you! Ever!" I said, my voice being raised.

"GET OUT!" Finn yelled in my face.

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