Fifteen: Problems

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A/N: There is a few POV (Point Of View) changes.

It's been 12 hours, since I said yes, to being Finn's girlfriend. The only person who knows is Millie. Millie promised to keep it a secret.

"Morning..." I said rubbing my eyes, trying not to drop to the floor. I've been tired for the past 6 days.

"Hey...are you ok? You look really tired." Finn said putting his hand on my cheek.

"'s just...we only ever see each other early in the morning or the last thing at night. We're around our friends all the time..." I said yawning. My eyes where closing.

"It's ok...we both have a free day today, while everyone is at the set." Finn said placing a kiss on my cheek.

"Just let me shower, and then we can get started!" I said trying not fall asleep.

"I'll take you..." Finn said carrying me bridal style up the stairs and to my room.

As he left, I got undressed, turning the shower on. After my shower, I felt refreshed and woken up. I took a sip of my water, but something felt off. I shook it off as I put the bottle back down. As soon as I had gotten dressed, I grabbed my phone and started to make my way downstairs, but I felt weird. I stumbled for a minute, but within a second, everything went black and all I could hear was Finn yelling my name.

I was about to walk upstairs, but I saw Caitlyn stumbling.

"Caitlyn!" I yelled as she dropped. I raced up and caught her before she fell down the stairs.

"Caitlyn...can you hear me?!" I asked holding her.

I grabbed my phone and called 911.

911: 911, how can we help?

Me: My girlfriend...she j-just fell. I caught her before she injured herself.

911: Where did she fall from.

Me: The top of the stairs. She stumbled before dropping. Our address is 13 Cherrywood Dr.

911: The ambulance will be there in a minute.

Me: Thanks

After a few minutes, Caitlyn was on her way to the hospital. I called Millie.

Millie: Hey Finn...I can't talk. I'm about to shoot a scene.

Me: Screw the scene! Get here now!

Millie: What the hell Finn?! I can't just get up and leave.

Me: It's Caitlyn.

Millie: What?! What happened?

Me: She's on her way to the hospital!

Millie: We will be there soon!

I hung up the phone and drove behind the ambulance.

As I got off the phone with Finn, Noah came up to me.

"Hey Mills...ready for our scene?" Noah asked.

I let a tear slip.

"Woah, woah what's wrong?" Noah asked sitting me down.

"We need to go to the hospital. Caitlyn...she-she fell..." I said letting more tears slip.

"What!?" Noah said. For a moment, I thought that Noah had a crush on her.

"We need to get Sadie, Caleb and Gaten..." I said. Noah left the trailer.

I ran to Caleb's car and waited.

After Millie told me what happened, me heart dropped.

I raced out of her trailer and ran to the set.

"Noah...where's Millie?" Shawn asked me.

"She's at Caleb's car..." I said.

"What? Why? She has a scene to film." Shawn said.

"Caitlyn's at the hospital. She fell..." I said with a tear falling down my eye.

"Oh...ok." Shawn said.

Shawn went and grabbed Caleb, Sadie and Gaten.

I felt a buzz from my phone.

Millie: Noah, Sadie, Caleb, Gaten and I are on our way. How is she?

Me: I haven't seen her. They are currently running tests.

Millie: We'll be there soon. I hope she's ok.

Me: See you soon.

I put my phone away before entering the room. I walked up to the bed and sat down. I held her hand.
After 5 minutes, I heard a knock on the door.

"It's open..." I said.

Noah was the first to enter.

"Is she ok?" Noah asked holding her other hand.

"The doctors haven't said anything..." I said trying not to cry.

"What happened?" Sadie asked walking up to me.

"She was fine when she woke up, although she was a little tired. She was gonna fall over, so I carried her up to her room. When I left she said she would have a shower to wake herself up. After 20 minutes, I heard the shower turn off. 5 minutes later, I walk over to the stairs and she's stumbling. As she dropped, I caught her and called 911..." I said looking at her the entire time.

"The question is...what happened between her getting out of the shower and her stumbling at the stairs..." Millie said.

"She must have hit her head..." Gaten said.

"No...when she fell...she didn't have any bruises or anything to show she had hit her head, besides the doctor said that there was no injuries..." I said.

"Mr. Wolfhard?" A doctor asked walking into the room.

"Yes." I said.

"Ms Miller has no signs of injury, but she did have signs of intoxication." The doctor said.

"What? Intoxication of what?" I asked confused.

"Zolpidem. It's a sleeping drug. It causes the victim to fall into a deep sleep, like sleeping beauty. Unfortunately, we don't know when she will wake up..." The doctor said.

2 Boys vs 1 Girl// F.W + N.SDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora