Thirty Two: Awake at last

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I auditioned for the new movie yesterday and I'm so proud of myself. I met Tom Holland for the first time and we ended up exchanging numbers. I arrived home about 2 hours ago.

"Happy birthday Caitlyn!" Sadie and Millie yelled as they entered my room.

"I-Is Noah awake yet?" I asked.

"No. The hospital told us an hour ago that he still hasn't woken up..." Millie said sadly.

I felt my phone buzz.

Tom: Hey Caty...HAPPY BIRTHDAY, girl! I hope everything is ok with Noah. Let me know as soon as he wakes up! I'll be prayin' for you!

Me: Hey Tom...thanks for the birthday wishes. Noah still hasn't woken up, but I'm hopeful.

I put my phone away while enjoying my morning with Sadie and Millie.

I felt a tingle in my hand. My eyes were still closed, but I itched my hand hard and the tingle went away.

I slowly opened my eyes to see a light blue wall right in front of me. The blinds were slightly closed, and the sun was bearable.

I looked to my left to see the door shut. I looked down to see a pile of letters next to a half-empty glass of water. With the energy I had, I was able to pick up the pile of letters and place them on my lap.

I opened the first one labeled Day 1

Dear Noah,

It's been 5 and a half hours since you were admitted into the hospital. I have no idea if you remember what happened, but...I found you on the floor surrounded by blood. I rushed over and held you as the rest of the group rushed downstairs. Finn was shocked and said nothing. As soon as you were driven away, I rushed (In your car) to this hospital and I rushed to find you.

I will find out what happened. I will be here...every day. Don't worry.

I love you so much.

From your girlfriend,

-Caitlyn xoxo

I teared up as I read the last part of the letter.

I put it down and picked up one after the other until all of them were finished. I noticed my phone and picked it up, looking at the date. Wait...there are 2 missing.

I unlocked my phone as I saw thousands of notifications from Instagram. As I scrolled, I saw a post from 30 minutes ago. It was Caitlyn, Millie, and Sadie sitting on Caitlyn's bed opening a gift. Oh crap! It's Caitlyn's birthday! Oh, wait...I already have a gift. I realized that I had bought a promise ring and a matching necklace for Caitlyn a month ago. I decided to surprise her.

I called for one of the nurses and she came pretty quickly. I told her not to call Caitlyn or any of my other friends. She helped me get ready to go home. I called an uber and it came to pick me up. On my way home, I checked to make sure that no-one was home, and luckily no-one was. Caitlyn, Millie, and Sadie were out getting manicures and pedicures, while Finn, Gaten, and Caleb were at the movies.

As I walked inside, I felt so happy to be home, but I headed straight for my room. All of my friends would be out for at least 4 hours (knowing them). Luckily Sadie and Millie had all the decorations ready to be set up.

I gradually made my way upstairs, getting to my room within 20 minutes. I searched my (way too clean) room for the promise ring and necklace and I found them. I put them somewhere I would remember them before heading downstairs. Once I had gone down the last step, I got all the decorations set up within 3 and a half hours, leaving half an hour to myself.
So far, my birthday has been amazing. The girls and I had so much fun. I wish so badly that Noah was here, but he hasn't woken up as far as I know. Sadie, Millie and I walked up the front steps of our porch.

"Hey girls...wait for us!" Gaten said. We waited for the three boys to catch up with us.

As I slid the house key into the lock, I heard music.

"Does anyone hear that?" I asked. Sadie and Millie widened their eyes as the entire group went silent.

"There's someone in the house!" Millie said.

"How? The front door was locked for the whole day!" I said.

Sadie grabbed the keys and pulled them out of the lock before grabbing door handle and pushing it fully down.

"Apparently not." Sadie said pushing the door.

As we all entered, the lights were off. We shut the door behind us.

"Hello?! Who's there?!" Millie yelled.

"Surprise!" A voice said from within the darkness.

Finn turned on the light.

"I missed you..." Noah said as he stood with two small boxes in his hand. I looked at Noah and before long, I snapped out of my gaze. I dropped everything I was holding and ran up to Noah, jumping into his arms.

"YOU'RE AWAKE!" I yelled as I nuzzled my face into his neck. He pulled my head up and kissed me.

"Happy birthday babe..." Noah said handing me two small boxes. One of them had a small silver ring inscribed with 'Till Death'.  I opened the second box to see a matching silver necklace with the words 'Do Us Part. I let a tear slip as we hugged each other more.

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