I am Oof

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Sorry I haven't updated in a while. My body is quite literally falling apart. Parts of my nervous system have been randomly flickering on and off due to my spine being a wreck. That combined with arthritis swelling the fuck out of my joints and the breathing apparatus I have to wear due to this fucking heat shriveling my already small lungs I am not having fun AT ALL. If you do feel any sympathy try to suppress that. I cannot be fixed. Arthritis can't be helped and due to that arthritis I cannot be operated on nor am I eligible for organ transfer even if my joints aren't swelling. Due to all this b's I can't really keep a clear enough mind to craft a story. If I happen to be feeling better at any point in time. I'll be patching up Grammer and spelling errors. Feel free to point them out it would help me just comment reeee. Can we get an Oof for the shitty condition of my body.

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