18. Calm Waters

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"You guys need to pee on me. Ah, fuck! This hurts!" She cried. Kiara looks at me with a look, suggesting I be the one to do it or not at all. Yeah, no I'm not peeing on this girl.

"I got a better idea." I went down to the cabin and came back up with a joint and lighter. Sarah gave me a look while Kiara just raised her eyebrows. "What? It's a pain killer," I shrug.

After a few hits, Sarah calms down.

"Bless, JJ. Omg that shit hurt." Sarah said, high as a kite even after a few puffs. Kiara and I share a look and mumble 'mhm's' in response.

Nighttime had fallen and we had gotten to the second or third joint while we sipped on the beers they left for us. I was chillin'. Sarah on the other hand...

"Would you rather have nipple for eyes or eyes for nipples?" Is she serious? I chuckle while Kie looks at her annoyed.

"Is this like her first time smoking or something?" She said. Sarah mumbled no. I look at Kie with a frown and mouthed to her 'be nice'.

"Why'd you do it?" Kiara asked after a few moments

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"Why'd you do it?" Kiara asked after a few moments. Sarah looks confused.

"We were best friends. We - We stole beers from your dad's fridge and watched movies together. And the next thing I know I'm seeing your birthday party on your Instagram story, then told everyone that I was the reason it got busted."

"It was one party Kiara. And who else would've called the cops?" Sarah defends herself.

"You never asked if it was me. You let the rumor go around that I was a rat." Kie said. Since I was sitting next to her I grabbed her hand in an effort to let her know I was there to back her up. "I was your best friend and you ghosted me! and I don't even know why!" Kie cried out. I gave her hand a squeeze and she looked at me with a sad smile.

"When people get close to me... I feel trapped. And I bail. You and I were close Kiara. I'm really sorry. And I miss you... Can we be ok again?" Sarah says. That was genuine. I could tell. Kiara just shrugs.

I grabbed us all blankets so we could lay out under the stars. I could tell things had been mended back together to some extent between the two. I turned to Sarah once we were sleepy enough.

"Hey, Sarah?" I waited for a response.


"Promise me you won't bail on John B... he's not like some other guy. And he really... really likes you." I don't know what I would do if John B got hurt. He really is my Luke here in the Outerbanks.

"I won't. I promise." She said. I smile back at her. I turned to Kie who looked at me and mouthed 'thank you'. I know she needed to know Sarah wouldn't hurt John B.

"Hey, Kodi?" Sarah asked.


"Do you like JJ?" My heart dropped to my stomach. Did John B tell her?

"What do you mean?" I play it safe.

"John B told me about you guys. I think you guys would be cute," she smiled.

"Wait what?" Kie got up to look at me. I groan.

"Kie, me and JJ have had a couple of moments but we aren't a thing. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner." I say.

"Why aren't you a thing?" Sarah asked. Jeez, you are not helping Sarah. Kie sighs.

"It's okay, Kodi... I noticed JJ had something going on with you. I just wasn't sure if it was hatred or an actual crush. I'm surprised he acted on it though." Kie said. "Do you like him?" I had both the girls on each side of me asking.

"I don't think I do. I mean, yes, he's hot and every time I'm around him I'm on edge but there's also times when I'm comfortable. And I just get so mad at him easily but I also feel like I open up to him and I-" I cut myself off when I realize how much I'm rambling. Kie and Sarah are both just staring at me with smiles on their faces. "What?" I ask.

"You so like him," Sarah says, Kie just giggles. Is she okay with it? I'm so lost.

"Yeah... you do," Kie says. I look at her for any sign of anger.

"Maybe I do? I don't know. Even if I did, he said sorry for the kiss like he regretted it. We even agreed on being friends!" I start rambling again.

"Kiss?!" Sarah says excitedly. Kie just raises her eyebrows.

"I think he does, Kodi. In my opinion. JJ's been acting strange and not like himself for a while until recently he's been really happy. When you came today on his bike, he had a smile on his face that I haven't seen in a really long time." Kiara says. She looks neutral. Neither excited or angry. She's probably still processing it all. 

"Kiara, what's going through your mind right now." I need to know. 

"I... I want us all to stay friends. I do. But if I lose you or JJ as a friend because I stopped you guys from dating? That would be even worse." She admits. That's a good sign. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I'm still pissed that John B told Sarah. 

The next morning, we waited for the boys to pick us up. 

"What are you going to do about JJ?" Sarah turns to me and ask. I shrug. 

"Nothing. I'm still pretty new to the whole feelings for a guy thing. So I'm playin' by year." I say. Sarah frowns at my answer. "I'm just glad the night ended well. I was ready for a battle to take place." I giggle and change to subject. Sarah glances over to Kie who sent her a smile. I could tell Kie hadn't yet accepted the idea of being friends with Sarah again. 

We could see the HMS Pogue in the distance coming closer. 

"Don't give them the satisfaction." Kie puts on a pissed off face. We all follow along and wait for the boys to come over. 

"Are you guys friends again?" Pope asked pulling the boats farther in

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"Are you guys friends again?" Pope asked pulling the boats farther in. 

"We decided to tolerate each other," Kie said. Getting in the boat. 

"That's enough for me," John B smiles as he hugged Sarah. 

"Question. Why was I left here? I had no problem." I say to JJ and John B. 

"You were collateral. If Kie was to fight Sarah, we need someone to hold her back." I scoff. Collateral my ass. JJ just smiles at me. A blush creeping on my face after last night's conversation.  Could JJ really have a thing for me? We just decided on being friends. My head hurts from thinking so much about it. 

JJ Maybank, what are you doing to me?

Impact Zone (JJ Outerbanks)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt