13. Odds

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The next morning, me, Dad, and Luke to the ferry to the mainland to drop him off for his flight. Believe me when I say I had tears rolling down my face the whole time. As Luke walked towards his flight, I ran up and hugged him harder than I ever thought I could hug someone. 

Have you ever wanted something so much that you'd given anything in the world to have it? I didn't know whether or not I wanted time to stop so I could him longer, or if I could just keep him in my arms forever. Ok, maybe I am a clingy koala. 

Luke has been an anchor for me in life. I feel like I'm floating away from my sanity without it. Gosh, I'm dramatic, I know. 

"Kodi, I'm gonna be late for my flight if you don't let go soon," Luke said as he pried me off. 

"I can't believe you're leavin' me with this ankle bitter," Dad says from behind me. "I'll be sad to see ya go, but happy to see you there." He smiled. 

We headed back, avoiding looking behind us because I knew I would beg dad to turn us around. 

The house was quieter than usual. I walked around, no Luke singing on the deck. No Luke munching on food in the kitchen. No Luke snoring in his room next to me. 

He really was gone.  I needed to get out of this house for a bit given, it's been the only place I've stayed at for the past few days. 

I headed over to the chateau hoping someone would be there. It would be really embarrassing if I showed up and no one was there. 

Walking up to the door, I hesitated to knock. Hoping to hear a noise, something to tell me that someone was there. I heard a slight giggle coming from what I'd assume the backyard, maybe? I decided to knock. Seconds, go by and I heard someone coming towards the door. 

"Kodi! Where have you been??" John B opens the door with a smile, picking me up in a hug. He dragged me inside with him to the back porch where he, Pope, and JJ were drinking beers. JJ, with a joint in his hand. 

"I thought Kie told you?" I said, grabbing a beer for myself. Unexpectedly, JJ immediately rose when he saw me and pulled me in for a hug. 

"Missed you, Joey," 

"dUdE, not a thing." He really is, now, the only person who calls me that. Next up was Pope who pulled me in for a quick, slightly awkward, side hug. What a loveable door. 

"Kie told us you would be spending a few days with your brother, we just didn't expect to see you during the time." I nod in understanding. "Sorry about your brother." John B said, patting my back. 

"So catch me up, what's happened while you're favorite person was gone?" I joked. 

"Not much... well... there is something I guess." John B says. 

"Out with it, mate," I say. 

"Ok ok, but you can't tell Kie, not yet at least." Hm... suspicious. I nod. 

"So you know how I work for the Camerons?" He starts. 

"You work for the Camerons? Like Sarah Cameron?" JJ and Pope laugh, I must be a little behind on everything. 

"Yeah, I do. Well, over the past few days, I've been hanging out with Sarah. She's honestly not that bad!" John B starts. I honestly never knew what to think of Sarah, only what to think of her boyfriend and her brother. 

"So... basically what he's saying is... he's backing on Sarah Cameron," JJ smirks, taking a hit. Oh shit. I raise my eyebrows at John B. 

"What are the chances, Sarah Cameron would leave her kook boy toy for a dweeb like you?" I tease. 

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