Zayn could hear clearer what Harry’s mother was shouting at her son, “You worthless little piece of shit! I don’t want to hear another word out of you, got it?”

He could also hear Harry trying to make it stop, “P-please m-mum, I’m s-sorry.” Zayn’s heart ached at Harry’s trembling voice, although at the same time, his voice fueled Zayn to fight to save Harry.

The Bradford boy stood up again and punched Mr. Styles harder than he had ever hit anyone and he watched as he faltered slightly just like before. Zayn took the opportunity to head up the flight of stairs once more but failed again. This time the drunken man shoved Zayn up against the wall and used Zayn’s waist and stomach as a punching bag, each blow hurting more than the previous one. It wasn’t too much longer when Zayn heard his name being called, by the one voice that made his knees go weak.

“Zayn!” Louis yelled as he entered the house, he so badly wanted to help his husband but the five-year-old upstairs needed him more. “Lou, he’s upstairs!” Zayn weakly shouted as officers pulled Mr. Styles away from him, giving him shiny handcuffs on his wrists.

Louis raced upstairs with the police following him and a few officers staying behind to help his husband. He proceeded to the bedroom which he assumed was Harry’s and shoved the bedroom door open, he didn’t wait for anyone to tell him to do so. Louis saw Harry’s mother standing over Harry’s body as it was laid on the floor. Mrs. Styles screamed as her fist was going to make contact with Harry’s face, “You ungrateful little fucker!” The police immediately grabbed her before she did so, pulling her away from the little boy. 

Louis immediately went towards Harry, kneeling on the filthy floor. The little green eyed boy was trembling as his face was covered in blood, especially near his button nose, as if someone had painted his little face red. Harry was wearing a white t-shirt too small for him instead of the thin jumper and it too was covered in blood as well as black stains which Louis realized were shoe prints from the bottom of Mrs. Styles shoes. In his little hand, Harry was clutching Louis’ pingpong ball as well. Harry carefully sat up and looked at him with tears in his eyes, “Mr. Louis."

“Oh my God, it’s alright, Harry, you’re safe now. Everything’s going to be okay.” Louis held the little boy close to him, cradling his head in his hands, hugging his body gently. Harry didn’t reject the comfort at all, he did just the opposite, he accepted it. “Everything’s going to be okay,” Louis repeated, as Harry’s mother was being taken away it was also then that the little boy’s green eyes were streaming with tears, his nightmare was finally over.


At the hospital Zayn and Harry were being checked out by different doctors. Louis wasn’t sure who to go with first but with a reassuring squeeze of his hand by Zayn, he knew he had to go with Harry. Zayn was finished first and was informed by the doctor that he had to take it easy for a few weeks, he had a few sore ribs and a black eye although he would be okay. The two men waited in the hospital for news on the little boy next door. Harry’s doctor informed the couple that Harry had a broken nose and a few sore ribs as well. Linda arrived to oversee Harry’s case and with a lot of convincing on Linda's part, it was planned that Harry would stay with the Malik’s until Linda found a suitable adoptive family for him. Louis and Zayn couldn’t stand the thought of Harry going to a foster home, even though Louis had seen numerous cases being a social worker but knowing the child personally this time, changed everything.


It was Harry’s second day staying at the Malik’s and he seemed to becoming more and more comfortable and relaxed, probably because he knew the Malik’s. Zayn had taken the week off to recover and Louis had taken the week off to help the two ‘patients’ in the household with whatever they needed whether that be a cold beverage or even help standing up.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Dec 24, 2014 ⏰

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