21. Freddy

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(if your day was crappy just look at the picture above. I know I had a crappy day. You know my new cat, Star, well she got stuck down in our cellar. And our cellar doesn't have a floor it's just the outside ground. There are tons of places she can hide down there and we keep trying to get her out, but she won't come out. I feel like she purposely doesn't want to come out. But she could die down there and I'm super worried...anyway sorry for ranting. On with the story)

I woke up in my little room. Sanka was lying right next to me and Star was over in her little bed. I yawned and lied back down. Midnight decided that she was hungry now and wanted me to wake up and feed her.

She hissed and I groaned. I stood up and grabbed her food. I put in her insects and lettuce then flopped back down. I couldn't fall back asleep though.

"Thanks a lot, Midnight" I said with a laugh. I walked over to my closet and grabbed some random clothes.

I walked into my bathroom and stripped from my pajamas and got into the bath. I washed my hair and body quickly.

I hopped out and dried my hair and body. I threw on my clothes and brushed through my hair. I brushed my teeth and put on some light make up (or none it's whatever you choose).

I walked out and saw Sanka stretching on the bed. I walked over and pet him.

"You hungry?" I asked. He purred into my hand making me smile.

I got his food and poured some into his bowl. I got his water bowl and filled it up in the bathroom sink. I sat it down next to his food bowl and he immediately began to eat.

I walked down stairs and saw Luna sitting at the table. She was drinking coffee and scrolling through some type of social media.

"G-good morning, mrs" I said with a wave.

"Oh good morning! Are you hungry? I can make you some breakfast if you want?" Luna said.

"Oh no! You don't have to do that. I'll just have some cereal or toast!" I said with a smile.

"Okay, if you're sure" Luna said. I got some cheerios and poured me a bowl of cereal. I sat down in front of Luna and quietly ate.

"So... where's David?" I asked.

"Oh, he's sleeping in. He does that a lot" Luna explained with a laugh. I smiled and continued to eat.

I finished my food and put the bowl into the sink. I began to wash it just so I wouldn't disturb anything.

"Oh, honey! You don't have to do that" Luna said.

"Oh, it's okay. I dirtied the dish...I should clean it" I said.

"Okay, sweetie. You're really kind" Luna said.

"Thank you, Mrs" I said with a smile. I dried off the bowl and spoon then put them away.

*Freddy's p.o.v*

I sat on the couch watching the others freak out. It was literally the funniest thing ever. Hannibal is always blaming me for starting fights and now he's going insane.

"WHERE IS SHE?!" Hannibal shouted.

"You guys are stupid" I stated.

"I'm sorry, what?" Billy asked.

"Oh, it's so obvious" I stated.

"What is?" Pennywise asked.

"Where she is" I said.

"You know where she is?" Chucky asked.

"Well, tell us!" Brahms demanded.

"She was taken" I said.

"L-like k-kidnapped? Wh-who c-could have taken h-her? W-will sh-she b-be okay?" Norman asked worriedly.

"Of course she will" I said as I rolled my eyes.

"Who took her?" Stu asked.

"The police" I answered.

"What the fuck? How?!" Billy asked.

"Simple. When she encountered Richie. He recognized her and she gave him the address then pretended like they were having a normal conversation. She came back to us I asked if she told him where she was staying...she said no" I explained.

"What?!" Stu asked.

"I'm not finished, you fucknut! Anyway I pretended to believe her, but I read her mind and found out everything. That's why I suggested we all go out killing today so we wouldn't get caught" I said.

"And you didn't suggest TAKING HER WITH US?!" Pennywise asked in anger.

"Yes, because they would continue searching for her and eventually find us. They really mostly wanted to find her...so if they found her they wouldn't be so eager to find us" I stated.

"Yes, but now she's gone! You fucking idiot!" Chucky shouted.

"We can easily find her! What we would not be able to easily do is get out of that asylum again!" I explained.

"Okay, I guess... you're right" Hannibal said regretfully.

"Haha! I knew it! Fuckers!" I shouted.

"I knew I would regret saying that" Hannibal said with a sigh.

"So where do we start?" Brahms asked.

"On what?" I questioned.

"Finding her! Jeez, you fucking idiot" Billy said.

"Calm down, damn" I said.

"Well first...we could wait till tonight and I could go into her dreams" I said.

"That's t-too l-long! I-I wanna s-see Y/N n-n-now!" Norman cried making me groan.

"Oh fuck off-" I began to say.

"Actually, I agree with Norman...that's too long I want to see Y/N...now" Carrie said.

"Same here" Chucky said and everyone else nodded in agreement. I hate to admit it, but I wanna see Y/N too.

"Fine...well I don't know...I came up with the first part you can come up with the rest"

"Lazy fucker" Chucky said.

"Fuck you, too" I said as I flipped him off. He rolled his eyes.

"Okay we will come up with a plan and if we do not find her by tonight you will go into her dreams" Hannibal said.

"Sounds good to me" I said.

We are getting our girl back...

(Hope you enjoyed! Smol update! We got Star out of our cellar! Yay! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

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