2. Supernatural Killers

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I wake up to my alarm and quickly press snooze and then lie back down on my soft pillow. I sigh in relief. Surprisingly I didn't have any nightmares last night. You would think after you get a job at a mental asylum and meet a bunch of killers you- MY JOB! I jumped out of bed and quickly threw on some clothes. I can't believe its only my second day and I forgot I even had a job!

I walk into the bathroom and brushed through my knotty hair and brushed my teeth. I didn't put any makeup on. I don't like makeup. One because I can't apply it properly and I just think I look better without it.

I grabbed a piece of toast and ran outside into my car. I started driving to the asylum. Today, I'm meeting the super natural killers. The ones with powers. It seems like they would be more dangerous because well they have powers/they are dead but aren't at the same time.

I stepped out of my car and earned some weird looks from passerby's. They were probably wondering why on earth I would be going to this asylum.

I walked in and went up to the desk to check in. The same rude boy that was here yesterday stood at the receptionist desk.

"Hi...I need to check in" I said. He rolled his eyes. My smile faltered. Why was he always so mean? He checked off my name on the clip board. At least he remembered my name.

I walked into the main hallway and looked around for Dewey and Richie.

"Hey, Y/N!" I heard the familiar voice of Dewey and I turned around noticing Richie wasn't with him.

"Hey! Wh-where's Richie?" I asked.

"Oh well one if the killers we are meeting today is Pennywise and well Richie has a past with him and can't bare see him" He said. I nodded. "Before we meet the supernatural killers we have some more non supernatural killers for you to meet"

"Okay" We walked in the room and I was met with familiar faces and some new ones.

"H-Hi! Y-Y-Y/N! Y-you came back! M-most of the n-nurses never c-come back" Norman said as he ran to the bars of his cell. I walked towards him.

"Of course I came back!" I said cheerfully. Dewey pulled me along. I waved to everyone to which they waved back.

"Y/N!" Brahms shouted.

"Hey Brahms. How are you?" I asked.

"Happy. Did you meet Greta?" He asked. I frowned.

"I'm sorry I didn't Brahms" I replied with a sad smile.

"That's okay!" He said cheerfully. I was then dragged along by Dewey again. We came to a cell with two teenage boys.

"This is...Billy and Stu" He said pointing to each as he introduced them. He also backed away about ten steps from the cell.

"Oh we got ourselves a hot nurse, Billy!" Stu said with a perverted smile.

"I-I what?!" I said flustered.

"Don't mind him, he's a huge....pervert" Billy said looking me up and down. My face was now as red as a tomato.

"Okay, that's enough guys" Dewey said as he stepped forward.

"Well looky here is Dwight Riley!" Stu said with a laugh.

"Hey, Dewey how's that leg doing for ya?" Billy asked referring to when Dewey was stabbed in the back which hit one of his nerves causing him to have a permanent limp in his leg. (I don't know is that's exactly how it happened I haven't seen the movie in a while) I saw that on the news.

"Just terrific I'm actually just fine now" Dewey said trying to act tough. "Lets move on" I waved by the everyone.

"Wait what's the hottie's name?" Stu called.

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