7. Stranger.

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Cold. Cold.

I tried to escape and of course I was caught. I tried to escape through the window, but Samara had walked in and pulled me away from the window. The punishment was I had to spend the night in the basement. The freezing, dark, scary basement.

I always hated basements ever since my elementary school bully had told me that everyone had a monster hiding in their basement who watched you and waited until the perfect time to take them away. I know it's stupid to still be afraid of that, but I am and now I'm trapped in the basement for the night. Pennywise probably knew and suggested this punishment. I was still only in my work attire and white skirt with a white button up blouse. I'm freezing and my teeth are chattering. I flinched at every noise as I pushed my body against the wall in the corner.

I don't know what time it is. There is no clock or window and I'm starving. I heard a growl from across the room causing me to let out a whimper. It's the monster! I'm gonna die. I thought to myself. I timidly walked up the stairs to the door and attempted to open the door. Still locked just like the last five times. I knocked on the door multiple times.

"G-guys...please let me out" I said. "P-please"

"I'm sorry, Y/N" I heard the familiar voice of Carrie from the other side of the door. "They won't let me take you out"

"Tell them I'm sorry... I'm scared down here...I hate basements and I keep hearing creepy noises and I'm really cold" I said as I slipped a few of my fingers under the door. Carrie attempted to comfort me by carressing my fingers. I appreciate the thought, but I really hate it down here.

"I'll do what I can... I'll be right back" Carrie said and I heard her walk away from the door. I walked back down the stairs and sat back in the corner curled up into a ball trying to keep warm. I jumped when I saw two eyes glowing yellow. I closed my eyes tightly and put my head on my knees. It's not real.

I looked up only to come face to face with some type of creature. It was standing in a bird like position just staring into my soul. A smile that was so sweet I could tell it was fake. The creature kind of looked like that online creepypasta, Momo, except no hair and his eyes were even bigger. I kicked the creature in the chest causing it to fall backward. I ran up the stairs to the door and began to pound on it in an attempt to break it open. This only resulted in a really bruised up shoulder. I could see the creature at the bottom of the stairs staring up at me with that horrifying smile.

"HELP!! LET ME OUT!! ITS THE STRANGER! HE'S DOWN HERE! THE STRANGER IN THE BASEMENT!" I screamed tears pouring from my eyes. (She says the 'stranger in the basement' because that's what the kid that told her the story called the creature)

The creature ran up the stairs on all fours at lightening speed. I let out a blood curdling scream as more tears made their way down my cheeks and onto the wooden floor boards. He grabbed me and begun to drag me down the basement stairs. The basement door opened to reveal Micheal the other behind him. The stranger let go and I practically threw myself up the stairs and wrapped my arms around Micheals legs as I cried in fear.

"The stranger w-was gonna kill m-me.... I knew he was real..." I sobbed. Brahms, Norman, Carrie, and Micheal comforted me.

"Pennywise... What the hell is wrong with you?" Stu questioned in anger. Pennywise? The stranger transformed back to Pennywise.

"Sorry, N/N...I couldn't help myself you're so cute when you're scared." Pennywise said. I looked at him in shock.

"H-how did you know about...the stranger" I asked trying to control my sobs.

"I know everyone's fear and... surprisingly the stranger isn't your biggest fear..." Pennywise said.

*Dewey's p.o.v*

I walk up to the hospital building full of anxiety. I still can't believe the boss made Y/N work night shift on her 2nd day here, but I really hope she's okay. I open the door Richie behind me. I drop the keys in shock at the site in front of me...Luke. He's dead...I can easily pick out which slasher did what they have their own style of killing which is always evident.

"Holy shit" Richie said putting his hands over his mouth. We both thought the same thing and looked at each other in worry.

"Y/N!" We both shouted as we ran to the cell room. Everyone was gone and no Y/N. We checked the cafeteria. The kitchen had leftover food like someone had recently cooked something. Richie called me over in worry. Blood was on one of the benches seat as well as on the floor.

"Is she dead?" Richie asked looking towards me.

"I don't think so...when they killed Luke they kept him there, but Y/N isn't here...so maybe they just took her away" I answered.

"Took her away? Where?" Richie asked in concern.

"I don't know...somewhere we probably wouldn't expect" I said.

"It was only her second day she just got out of college she was so young" Richie said upsettly.

"Is not was... she's still alive" I said as I walked out. I called the other police officers and we got rid of Luke's body and they began to investigate trying to find any sign of where Y/N could be...

No luck

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