20. First Day Free

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(Hey guys! Quick little A/N before I start! I just moved into my new house today! And I also got a new cat two days ago! As you know the cat that Y/N has is based off my cat. So I will definitely be adding my new cat into the story. Her name is Starry Night btw. Based off the famous painting. We call her Star for short)

"We set up your room in the guest room. We also have a cat we hope you are okay with that" Luna said with a smile.

"Of course I am! I have a cat too! His name is Sanka. I also have a snake who's named Midnight. Don't worry she isn't poisonous or dangerous she's actually very sweet" I said as I motioned for Sanka to jump in my lap. I also held up the arm that had Midnight on it.

"I can help you carry your bags" David said.

"No, you don't have too-" I protested.

"No, it's my pleasure" David said as he took my bags and Midnights tank. I grabbed Sanka's food bowls, food, Midnight's food, etc.

I followed him up the stairs into a beautiful guest bedroom. The bed was probably twin size and the entire room was made in beautiful wood. Even the bed frame was made out of wood.

There was a beautiful fan hanging from the ceiling just above the bed. And to top it all off it had high ceilings which gave it a more open feel. The wood made me feel cozy and gave me home-y vibes. I like this place.

 I like this place

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"This is... beautiful" I said in awe.

"Well, thank you! That sure means a lot. I hope you don't mind that our cat also sleeps in this room. Her beds right over there" David said. I just now realized how thick his country accent was. It was almost hard to understand.

"I don't mind. Maybe Sanka and your cat will become friends!" I said happily.

"Well, you sure are positive. Our cats name is Star. She's probably around here somewhere...she likes to hide. I'll leave you to unpack and settle in" David said before walking out of the room.

I think I'm going to like it a lot here. Luna and David are so sweet and remind me of my parents. The house is absolutely gorgeous and it's out in the quiet calm country. All you can hear is the birds chirping and at night maybe some crickets.

I sat my things down and set up my pets stuff first. I put Sanka's bed next to Star's bed. I sat his food bowls next to the night stand. I filled up his food bowl and filled his water bowl up in the bathroom sink.

I was about to put down Sank's litter box (it was cleaned out don't worry) when I saw another one already in the room. Would they fight if they used the same litter box? They might become protective over their territory...I'll put Sanka's down as well just to be safe.

I put some litter in Sank's litter box and then motioned to Sanka that I was done. He was sitting on the bed watching me set up his things waiting for me to be done. Once I motioned for him, he hopped off the bed and went over to his water bowl.

Midnight was currently on my arm and I would have to lift her tank. I didn't want to hurt her so I put her around my waist. She tightened a little jsut so she wouldn't fall and then stayed still.

I sat her tank down on one of my night stands. I out her little bowls and rocks into the tank. I added in some leaves and a stick that she liked to wrap herself around. I also added in a little rock/cave thing that she hid under when sleeping or whatever.

(The next part may or may not be gross because I'm explainging what I feed to the snake. It's just bugs that Midnight eats, but in case you are afraid of bugs I wanna warn you)

I filled her water bowl and then began to fill her food bowl. I put in her earthworms, slugs, crickets, and then some of her lettuce stuff. (It's not actual lettuce it's stuff that you feed pet snakes so they get a balanced diet)

Once finished I set Midnight in her cage making sure none of the crickets hopped out. The crickets were the only bugs that were alive because she only eats crickets if they are alive. I know, brutal.

I put the top of the cage on and stretched with a yawn. I sat down on the bed and that's when I saw it. Over in a dark corner was the outline of a cat. I walked over and there was a black cat with yellow eyes.

 I walked over and there was a black cat with yellow eyes

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(That is my kitty cat!)

She had a collar on that said 'Starry Night'. That must be her full name... I pet her and realized how soft her fur was. She's so fluffy!!

I got up and then started to unpack my things. I put my clothes in the closet and put all my extra things in little drawers or on the nightstand.

Once finished I walked down the stairs and saw David and Luna sitting at the kitchen table eating lunch.

"Y/N! Are you finished unpacking?" Luna asked. She had a british accent and you could definitely tell. It was easy to understand what she was saying though.

"Yes" I answered.

"Here! We made you a sandwhich! Come eat with us" She said patting the seat next to her. I sat down and there was a F/S (favorite sandwhich) on the table. I began to eat and that's when I realized how hungry I was.

"So how do you like it here?" David asked. I swallowed my food and gave him a polite smile.

"This place is really nice. It's gorgeous. I really appreciate you guys allowing me to stay here...you really are very kind" I said gratefully.

"Oh, it's our pleasure. When we heard what happened we couldn't say 'no'. You are so sweet and hearing what had happened to you upset us so much. You didn't deserve that so we decided to take you in" Luna said.

"Thank you, again" I sad giving them smiles. "Really, thank you"

(Hope you enjoyed! As always have a good day/night! TOODLES!!!)

The Psychopath's Girl (YANDERE! Slashers x NURSE! SHY! Reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now