3. Cafeteria Arguments

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I sat in my office looking through the files of the different patients. I wanted to know what I was dealing with. All of them have killed multiple people. Hannibal is a cannibal. Hey, that rhymed I thought with a small giggle. Freddy goes into people's dreams to kill them. Pennywise feeds off children's fear and that's how he can eat kids. So I'm guessing if you aren't afraid of him he can't eat you. Well, guess I'm gonna get eaten. Brahms hasn't killed nearly as many people as the rest of them. He has the mind of a child. He killed Greta's abusive ex-boyfriend. Well, at least he got rid of an abusive person and not someone innocent.

After going through everyone's files I came to two conclusions. I was probably going to die here and most of the patients had reasons to kill. My office door opened and I smiled seeing it was Richie.

"Hey, Richie!" I greeted with a smile.

"Hey Y/N. I wanna apologize for not coming with you and Dewey today when you went to see your other patients" Richie said with a sad and apologetic smile. "It's just I can't handle being near Pennywise. Two encounters with him were more than enough" Richie said with a shudder.

"No no no it's okay. You don't have to apologize. I completely understand he scared me too" I answered.

"Also it's lunchtime for the patients and I'm supposed to clean the cells during that time. You and Dewey are going to be supervising the patients" Richie said.

"Okay thank you for telling me," I said I started walking out of the room.

"Wait! I was wondering if maybe you'd like to meet some of my friends tonight and we could hang out" Richie suggested. I smiled.

"That would be great," I said we exchanged numbers. "Just text me when and where I'll be there," I said before walking out of the room.

I walked into the cafeteria everyone was already in here getting lunch. I walked over to Dewey.

"Hey, Dewey!" I said. "Is there anything I need to know specifically?" I questioned.

"Not nothing interesting happens. Occasionally I have to break up fights all of them between Freddy and Jason" Dewey said. I nodded. I jumped when I felt arms wrapping around my waist.

"H-Hey-!" I exclaimed in shock.

"Let go of her Billy," Dewey said sternly. I looked behind me coming face to face with Billy. Stu was standing next to him.

"I think we should let her decide whether I let go or not," Billy said.

"I'd appreciate it if you did," I said quietly. Billy huffed and let go.

"She just rejected you!" Chucky shouted with a laugh.

"Oh shut up shortie!" Billy said.

"Fuck off!" Chucky retorted.

"Is that all you got?" Billy questioned.

"I could take your cliche ass any day" Chucky insulted.

"Wanna fucking bet?" Billy retorted.

"Let's just stop fighting, please," I said timidly. I didn't notice Norman and Brahms smiling from their corner in the room. They both turned towards me as if trying to think of something to say. What they did next surprised me. They sat down and didn't say anything. I expected them to get mad or keep fighting, but they didn't. It was silent and awkward so I just looked at the ground.

"Well shit" Freddy and Pennywise exclaimed in unison breaking the silence.

"You're good, Y/N they never fucking listen," Freddy said.

"Uh...thanks?" I said not sure if it was a compliment.

"You're welcome babydoll," Freddy said in a flirty tone. Hannibal rolled his eyes.

"Okay, um how about you don't call me that" I suggested. Freddy was taken back.

"This is the best fucking nurse we've ever had," Pennywise said practically dying of laughter. I thought I heard Jason and Micheal laugh a bit too, but maybe I was hearing things.

"Y/N" I heard a voice say. I jumped when I saw Brahms. How did he get over here so fast? I questioned myself.

"Yes, Brahms?" I asked.

"Could you come and sit with Norman and me?" He questioned. I looked to where he was pointing. I saw Norman sitting on a little bench. He waved when he saw me and I waved back.

"Sure, why not?" I replied. I walked with Brahms over to Norman. I sat in between both of them. I didn't notice how everyone was glaring at Brahms and Norman.

"Th-thanks for sitting with us, Y/N" Norman said.

"Oh, you're welcome Norman. You guys have been so nice to me it's the least I could do" I said with a smile. We kept talking and surprisingly I felt like I was just hanging out with friends and not killers. I don't know why Dewey thinks they are so evil because they are so nice to me. Suddenly I heard a bell ring.

"Time for us to get back to our cells" Brahms said as he and Norman stood up.

"Th-thanks for sitting w-with us," Norman said.

"You're welcome see you guys later," I said as they walked off.

The Psychopath's Girl (YANDERE! Slashers x NURSE! SHY! Reader) *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now