"I'll call you tomorrow after I talk to my mom.  And to Zac," he said.

"You don't have to talk to Zac on my behalf," she said, "That's none of my business," she finished politely.  

Isaac nodded, then gave Kayla another quick hug before turning and making his way over to Nikki's car.  She watched as the two couples moved their vehicles down her street.  When she could no longer see their taillights, she turned and made her way back into the house.


The next morning, Taylor and Isaac arrived to the studio before Zac had.  They'd gone in and were getting settled when Zac finally showed up.

"Zac's here," Taylor said, as he popped his head into Isaac's office.  Isaac nodded, as Taylor turned and returned to his own.  

"Yo," Zac said, as he moved his body into Isaac's office.

"Mornin'"Isaac said as he shut his laptop.  He straightened out his chair and turned his head towards Zac as Taylor walked in behind him.

"We missed you last night," Taylor said as he sat on the couch sitting against the far side of the office.

"Oh yeah?" Zac chuckled, surprised at Taylor's calm demeanor.  He knew they were anxious to hear about what happened when he and Kate had gotten home.

"Yeah," Isaac answered, causing the two brothers to momentarily pause their face-off, and turn towards him instead, "How'd things go with Kate when you got home?" he finally asked.

Zac took a deep breath, before he finally sat at one of the two chairs Isaac had on the other side of his desk, "Not much more eventful than when we left.  She stayed asleep for the ride home, which by the way, is a lot closer than I'd realized.  I guess I never took the time to find out, it's literally like not even two miles from me.  Anyway.  I got her in the house.  Laid her in the bed, cleaned off her face, her hands, and her feet, then I tried to wake her up.  But she wasn't very responsive.  She kept telling me to leave her alone."

Isaac and Taylor both shifted their positions, both waiting uncomfortably at what they knew would come out of their brother's mouth next.

"She was plastered, man," Zac breathed out, his tone heavy with concern.  He leaned forward and rested his forehead in his palms for a moment.  Taylor looked over at Isaac, silently asking him if he should try to comfort his brother.  Isaac only shook his head, no.  "I still don't even know how she got there, you know?" Zac said, breaking the silent conversation his older brothers were having.  His voice was quivering.  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly, "I know I have to do something," he squeaked out, still trying to contain his emotions, "I just don't know what," he finally finished as he let his head collapse into his hands.  Taylor and Isaac watched for a second as his body rose and fell, with silent sobs.  They rose from their seats and made their way over to Zac; both men placing a hand on his back to let him know they were there.  He cried for a little longer, before he began to quiet down.  Isaac reached back to his desk and grabbed the box of tissues that sat on it.  He handed the box to Zac; he took it as Taylor made his way back to the couch.  "Thanks," he whispered as he wiped his face.  He blew his nose, then crumpled up the tissues, before he tossed them into the waste basket besides Isaac's desk.  He leaned back in his chair, before taking in another deep breath and exhaling.

"What do you want to do?" Isaac asked.  Zac remained quiet.  He knew what Isaac meant, he just wasn't sure how to talk about it.  "Have you tried to talk to her about it?"

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