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Saeyoung thought to himself as Yoosung's face appeared in his mind.

He'll never get to tell the blonde he loves him.

He'll never get to wrap his arms around his small waist.

He'll never get to feel those small arms around his neck.

He'll never get to feel his soft lips against his own.

He'll never get to comfort the younger when he's sad or afraid.

He'll never get to see Yoosung wearing his jacket.

He'll never get to look at him when he's all flustered.

He'll never get to hold his soft hands.

He'll never get to sleep beside him.

He'll never get to cuddle him.

He'll never get to call him his own.

He'll never get to bring him on dates.

Saeyoung will never be able to do those things again.

Tears rolled down his cheeks.

He won't be able to bring Yoosung to a special place.

He won't be able to kneel on one knee.

He won't be able to hold out the box.

He won't be able to ask that special question.

He won't be able to place the ring on his finger.

He won't be able to cry tears of joy.

He won't be able to hear an 'I do'.

Yoosung was gone.
Saeyoung couldn't accept this.
But the gravestone said it all.

He closed the black box shut, getting
rid of any shine that the ring gave

"Yoosung, I miss you too much, darling. I'll be up there with you soon... soon."

(A.N: HAHA this sounded much better in my head but I don't care writing angst is pretty fun even if I don't read much of it)

I'll Love You Forever (Yooseven)Where stories live. Discover now