chapter 15 - Princely Big Brother (2)

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(Note: slight smut ahead teehee)

"Well I hate to be confused so by all means please explain" Lia asked the Nekozawa staff as the maid nodded and looked away dramatically ignoring Tamaki

"There's a legend that says once every few hundred years, a Nekozawa child is born and destined to be possessed by the darkness exactly like our master,  Umehito" She explained "it may or may not be true" She said making the group more confused "is it or isn't it?" The hitachiin twins said sighing

"Mistress Kirimi fell in love with a handsome princely big brother she had seen in portraits but as the result of his condition, the master is unable to go near his sister without being shrouded in black" She said taking a breath "well at least you guys noticed it-" Liu interrupted as the group shushed him signalling for the maid to continue "one day she found out her brother was enrolled here  that's what led her to you host club" The maid continued

"Hm, I wonder what got her into debochery and harems?" Lia asked as the maid looked at the black haired girl and spoke up again "Though often than not, we always read her bedtime stories that had fairytale prince's to give her comfort, but we seemed to have run out of those stories so, we recently started reading her shojo manga that had princely characters in them!" She said happily as the whole host club felt their sweat drop "that's why" They said as they remembered the little girl's outburst

"Is their really debochery in shojo manga??" Haruhi asked thinking it through "but Sashimi's so young" She said making the others look at her

"not Sashimi!" Kaoru scolded her

"it's Kirimi!" Nekozawa senpai corrected 

"Haruhi you really love fish and tuna don't you?" Lia told the brunette patting Haruhi's head in pity "so Kirimi, doesn't know your her real older brother, senpai?" Haruhi asked him as Nekozawa felt sad and sulked

"Poor Neko chan" Honey senpai said rubbing his eyes for the poor sulking man in front of them "everyday I offer prayers and hope that one day Kirimi will come to embrace-" Liu cut off Nekozawa's words "awh that's so sweet" He said in the background "the darkness" Nekozawa continued making Liu's face go pale "say what-" He gasped out "I think you got it backwards buddy" The ginger haired twins told the cloaked man

"Honestly, you should get more accustomed to the light senpai" The twins scolded him more "yeah, you're handsome as it is" Lia complimented him as she got near the man and patted his head making Kyoya look at her "it's a waste for your good looks to be covered like that, you look so dreamy an-" She was cut off by her fiance covering her mouth with his hand covering her mouth in an elegant manner surprisingly "sorry for her interruption, plesse excuse us and carry on" Kyoya said dragging his fiance away from the group

"Eh? What was that all about?" The twins asked as the two Nekozawa servants tried taking Kirimi from Tamaki

Lia's POV

"K-Kyoya!" I said as he dragged me to the changing rooms "what's the meaning of this?" I asked as if I was oblivious to what's going on when I actually know 'this is quite intriguing' I thought to myself mentally smirking as Kyoya closed the blinds behind us "I don't think you know what it means to be mine" He said as he got closer to me with hint of hunger in his eyes making me go red

"W-why? Did I do something wrong?" I asked keeping up my act and hiding my tomato-colored face behind my silk fan as my fiance walked closer and closer to me "oh you know very well Mrs. Ootori" He stated smirking at me as he held my hand that was holding the fan gently but firm

"show me, you" He said as he removed the fan from my hands and kissed me passionately earning a small moan from me, pulling away he looks at me licking his lips "you're moaning quite a lot, I haven't even started yet" He said as he kissed my jawline "h-hey, that's dangerous" I gasped out as he began kissing my neck, finding my sweet spot and biting down on it "ah Kyoya~" I moaned out his name as he sucked on it abusing it

Leaving a visible red mark on my neck and kissing it "another Ootori mark?" I asked gasping for air "it's to let you and the whole world know you're mine" He said as he looked at me with now loving eyes "I love you, Mrs. Ootori" He said kissing my forehead making me smile "alright, I love you too Mister Ootori" I replied hugging him

"Let's head over to the others, yeah?" I asked him making him nod and pull away "no more complimenting him like that" He said making me laugh and hold his hand "alright mr. Ootori~" I said leading the way

As we made it to the now empty room but saw Haruhi and Kirimi left in the room "Haruhi?" I asked as Haruhi looked up from the comic like thing in her hands "oh senpai what took you two so long-..." Haruhi asked as she examined my exposed neck making me shiver and cover it from her "w-well we had an arguement for how long and here we are hehehe" I said scratching the back of my head with my other hand

"READ MORE BOOKWORM!!" Kirimi said as Haruhi got surprised and nodded at the little girl as she read more "what is she-" I asked as Kyoya examined it as well and spoke up "oh it's manga books?" He asked as Haruhi nodded with eyes shouting for help making me smile and approach them

"Ne, Kirimi" I said as the girl looked up at me and tilted her head "yes rival?" She asked making me sweat drop "uh.. want to play with me instead??" I asked as she smiled and nodded "great! What should we do?" I asked her making her think "can you take me to big brother Tamaki?" she asked and I nodded opening out my arms for her to get near me which she did and I hoisted her up with me

"ne, let's go?" I asked as she smiled and we started walking "Ne, Haruhi, show us the way" I stated as Haruhi went ahead and signalled for us to follow "so you're good with kids as well?" Kyoya asked walking beside me and Kirimi as I nodded "kids are cute no matter how mischievous they are" I said as he smirked and whispered in my ear "how many do you want?" He asked making me shudder and look away in embarrasment as he silently laughed at me "hmp!" I said in reply to him

we walked up to a classroom with open doors but the inside was dark "hello?" I asked as Kirimi looked at the dark room and cried on my shoulder "this room is dark and scary!" She said hugging me as I soothed her "Where have you two been?" The twins, Liu and Tamaki asked us as Kirimi stopped crying and examined me "Ne, rival, why do you have these red marks on your neck?" She asked outloud making me blush and the ginger haired twins laugh in the distance

"That's! A rash Kirimi!" I replied giggling a bit too much as I set her down gently and rubbed my neck afterwards "big brother where are you!" Kirimi asked as she felt herself about to cry again "now, now, little one there's no need to be afraid, here" Tamaki said approaching and carrying the little girl high up into the air as if she where flying "oh.." I heard Nekozawa senpai said

"Senpai?" I asked walking into the room "I'm a handsome pricnely big brother!" He chanted to himself making everyone in the room look at him in shock, even Tamaki and Kirimi "I'm a handsome princely big brother and I'm not afraid of this flashlight!" He said shining a flashlight to his face "eh?" I said examining what was happening and saw the other members being proud of him

"look there Kirimi! That's your real older brother!" Tamaki told the littler girl guiding her to the now known blonde "you can do it Kirimi" I encouraged her as she ran up to the man but got scared when he turned around "ahhh!!" She screamrd running away "poor Kirimi" I said as I tried chasing her but she was out of sight that quickly

"Suoh, you be her brother, that's what she wants.. Right?" Nekozawa said in sorrow as the whole room felt his sadness "that's ridiculous, you're the big brother she's looking for" Tamaki told him trying to encourage the sad Nekozawa as the twins opened up the windows examining the outside gardens

"oh, Kirimi hasn't left yet" Hikaru said "there's something down there with her.. Oh it's just a cat" Kaoru said looking outside with Hikaru "huh, oddly enough even strays warm up to your family, senpai" I said as senpai got up and ran to the window "but Kirimi would never join something as occult in befriending a stray cat..." He stated making me look at him in confusion "but, befriending them isn't even an occult thing to do-" I said cutting off my own sentence as Nekozawa senpai jumped out the window

"Eh?!" The whole room gasped out in shock as we all got close to the now shattered window "at least it isn't in our clubroom" I sighed in relief as Kyoya nodded at me and observed the two siblings in action only to see Nekozawa senpai faint "well, at least they got along??" Liu pointed out as we sighed seeing Nekozawa being carried away by his servants

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2020 ⏰

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