chapter 11 - which is which? (2)

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3rd Person View

It was the next day at Ouran Academy, and the twins still haven't stopped fighting ever since yesterday's events, who's to say what's going to happen next?

Lia's POV

"Say Lia" My brother asked me as we were walking to our classroom, "yes Liu?" I asked him "the Hitachiin's kinda remind me of us" He said chuckling at the thought "well, I think our fights would be a bit more bigger than that, don't you think?" I said laughing as we walked towards the classroom "well, we are a pair of twins" He said making me laugh a bit "well, you're not wrong" I said entering the classroom "goodmorning zhang twins!" Tamaki said patting our heads "goodmorning Tamaki" I said escaping his hand and walked to my seat that's beside Kyoya

"goodmorning miss Lia" He said making me smile "mister Ootori, goodmorning as well" I said sitting down and sighed "something the matter? Did you want a more affectionate greeting?" He asked me "oh no it's not that" I said 'though a kiss on the cheek would've been nice' I thought blushing and shaking my head "well it's nothing, I guess it's just an esrly morning again" I said shaking of my hypothesis "you know, the twins aren't really fighting, I mean I'm interested to see were this is going as well" Kyoya said making me look up at him and smile a bit "guess you thought so as well huh?" I asked as he nodded and patted my head making me blush and smile in reply 'oh well' I thought

~Time Skip~

It was lunch time and we were heading to the dining hall when a group of girls were rushing towards the hall "excuse me but what's going on?" I asked a girl that was catching her breath "oh, didn't you hear? The twins are causing a ruckus in the dining hall, we wanted to see it for ourselves" She said as she waved and ran to catch up with her group "ruckus huh? Tamaki?" I asked looking up at Tamaki as he sighed "I'm not sure what to do as well, let's just see it for ourselves" He said making me nod as we walked down the hall meeting mori and honey senpai

"you guys heard of the ruckus too?" Honey senpai asked us as we nodded "unfortunately" Kyoya said "when will this feud end" Liu asked as he sighed "grrrr" We heard a growl of two persons inside the dining hall and went to open the doors and we were greeted with the twins growling in front of the kitchen staffs making us sigh

Haruhi's POV

The host club opened the dining hall doors examining the room 'I guess we're complete today' I thought "I was wondering what all the fuss was about" Tamaki senpai said firmly "I can't believe the two of you are still fighting, you're a disgrace to a host club" He added as Lia and Liu senpai nodded "you two should be ashamed" They both said as everyone in the hall was admiring us all together "we've had enough, you're both to blame for this fight" Honey senpai said holding up a banner with words saying Bunny Sumo

"well Honey senpai seems to handle the situation better, don't you think?" Lia senpai asked walking up to me "Oh, hello Lia senpai" I said greeting her as she smiled "it's rare to see you here Haruhi" She said patting my head "yeah, I didn't expect to see you here either Haruhi!" Tamaki senpai said butting in "well I honestly just followed them cause I was worried, I was supposed to eat in the classroom with my box lunch" I explained making Lia senpai nod and Tamaki senpai gasp and fantasize making me sigh and walk away from him

Lia's POV

"Tamaki, I'm not sure what you're imagining but I'm certain it won't happen" I told him "it is quite incoherent" Kyoya said agreeing as he gave me my tray of food "here Lia, it's the same as mine" He said as I took it by surprise "oh thank you" I said feeling my cheeks heat up "a box lunch by Haruhi! I will eat it anyday!" He said dramatically posing "box lunch? You mean homemade?" I asked as Kyoya looked at me and nodded sitting down as I sat down as well

"Well...I mean" I said looking away as I envisioned cooking food by myself for Kyoya "oh geez" I mumbled as I felt Kyoya's hand on my chin turning my head to face him "K-Kyoya?" I asked as he took out a spoonful of food "did you want some?" He said feeding me "I-I...I know how to feed myself!" I said blushing "I know, but you weren't feeding yourself so I decided to do it myself" He said smirking as he shoved the spoon in my mouth making me eat 'oh dear, mister Ootori, I love you' I thought blushing as he smiled at me feeding me more ignoring the fight in the background

~Time skip~

I was encoding today's events as Kyoya calculated the equipment the twins used to make a big ruckus in the dining hall I sighed as we lost lots of money due to their fight "oh my, this is a lot" I said as I explained the results "looking at the numbers, if this keeps going we'll have to stop offering our brotherly love package, we're down one pair of loving brothers" I said opening my fan

"Oh Haruhi" Kyoya started "we just wanted you to know there's no reason for you to feel responsible" I said "even though it was your tactless comment, that started the feud between the two in the first place" Kyoya finished "Kyoya! Don't be mean to her" I said as he smiled at me grabbing my hand that was under the table and held it firmly making me blush ' embarrassing' I thought as he didn't let go

"Come to think of it, the twins never fought like this ever" Honey senpai said explaining "yeah come to think of it, this is the only time they even argued" Tamaki added "I mean, it was bound to happen anyways" I stated "maybe their just expanding their horizons a bit, we should leave them alone and let them work it out" Tamaki suggested making me and Liu look at each other as we know the real reason ourselves "well, we should just let them be coming from a twin to another" Liu said going with the flow as everyone nodded

"Just stop already!" Hikaru screamed as they were at it again throwing objects at each other making us stand from our seats and move aside "I'm sick and tired of constantly being mistaken for you Kaoru!" Hikaru screamed "The truth is! I hate your guts!!!" He added "oh my, that's a bit harsh" I said ss Liu held my shoulder "see this? Belzedeth the curse doll! I'm gonna complete the curse Hikaru! I'm gonna write your name on his back" Kaoru said starting to right Hikaru's 'name' making Haruhi charge at them

"Oh Haruhi don't-" Me and Liu tried to say as she already punched them and lectured them "if you don't stop this I won't let any of you come to my house you hear?!" She said making us sigh "Haruhi take it back now" Liu said "Haruhi oh no" I added

"Uh what?" She asked as the twins smirked "so if we make up right now" They started "we'll be able to go to your house right?" They both said making Haruhi realize and look at the back of the doll "it's blank?!" She said making everyone gasp "it's an old twin trick" Me and Liu said as the twins smiled at us cheekily "you all really should have asked the Zhang senpai's, but it doesn't matter now as we got what we want!" They said rejoicing

"It's okay Haruhi" I said hugging her "you tried your best" Liu said patting her back "twins with too much time on their hands" Tamaki said looking at the Hitachiins "are the devil" He added

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