Chapter 3

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The time seemed to fly by, it was as if their three hour practice took three minutes, and Saul and I had to walk back to his house, which wasn't that far.

"So, how'd you like Guns-N-Roses?" Saul asked, his left arm forever around my shoulder.

"Ehhhh I prefer more punky punky stuff." I answered, obviously lying because he very well knew I liked their music.

"Lies." Saul teased, as we walked into his grandmother's house.

"Saul! You're home! Dipper?" Saul's grandma greeted us, and guided us to the dinner table, "You're just in time for dinner, eat! Dipper are you staying with us tonight?"

"Yeah, I asked Gramps." I replied. I loved Saul's grandma, she was so warm and loving.

We ate dinner with casual small talk and the occasional "Saul, do you have a girlfriend yet? What about you Dipper, are you seeing anyone?" When we finished our dinner Saul and I went into his room, filled with posters and clothes sprawled all over the floor.

"When will you ever clean up?" I scolded, picking up a jacket and hanging it in his closet.

"When I get a girlfriend and I have to impress her. Or when I can afford a maid." Saul replied, he always said the same thing when I asked him to clean up. What he said was true. He didn't have anyone to impress.

"Yeah, yeah okay. Where'd you put my pjs?" I always had spare pajamas at Saul's house, also he had his pajamas at my house. We decided that it was much easier than bringing pajamas when we slept over each other's house.

"Here. Think fast!" Saul tossed my pajamas at me, luckily I caught them just in time. I walked to the bathroom to get changed.

When I stepped out of the bathroom with my loose Beatles t-shirt and spandex shorts, I saw Saul at the doorway of his room, already changed into his plaid pajama pants and over-sized Aerosmith t-shirt.

I walked into his room and sat on the floor. Soon I heard light footsteps following me and Saul sat next to me, draping his arm over my shoulder.

We talked and talked, and somehow we got to the topic of how I looked like a ragdoll.

"How would I be a ragdoll? I don't have yarn hair!" I was so confused to why he would say that I looked like one.

"Because, you're light, pale, thin, petite and you have a cute face!" Saul said as he poked my nose.

"I don't see it." Before I could say more, Saul picked me off of the ground and carried me bridal style.

"Look how light you are, I can practically throw you!" Saul started slightly tossing me away from his arms, working up to me being tossed a foot up into the air.

"If I were you, I'd be scrambling in the air for my life." Saul admitted, placing me down on the bed.

"Well I'm used to being tossed and stuff. Ballet, remember?" I tucked myself into the blankets,

"True, true. Night Dipper." Saul crawled into the bed, leaving a bit of distance between us.


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