Chapter 7

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I drove to my house, and led Saul into my room so he could make me "fabulous" for their gig. Highly doubt it.

"Alrighty, what should you wear? What about..." Saul pulled out a dress, the lavender dress I haven't worn since the sixth grade. That was when I stopped growing. "This? Ew no. Now I'm having second thoughts."

I giggled at Saul's antics of grabbing random clothes from my closet, and saying they're perfect before even seeing the whole piece of clothing.

"Woah, wear this. With this. And this!" I couldn't even see what Saul tossed at me, but I must say, he was quite enthusiastic about the outfit. I looked down at my hands to see one of my favorite dresses, it was sleeveless with a white collar and light turquoise and cream stripes running vertically down and had a light brown belt tied around its hanger. The next thing he goosed at me was a burgundy hat, it went well with the dress and made me look a little 60's but I was okay with it. The last thing he tossed me was the dark gray blazer I sometimes wore to special events, even though it didn't help me look powerful or important anyway. The outfit Saul put together was nice, better than him actually going shopping for me.

"It's decent, I guess I'll wear it." I purposefully stuck my nose up, acting like Saul's outfit choice was lower than my standards.

"C'mon.. You know you loooovvvvveeeee it." Saul turned to face the door, and i understood what the gesture meant. Change. So I quickly changed from my "casual wear" into the outfit Saul picked, and honestly it looked ten times better on an actual human and not thrown on my bed.

"Done." He turned around and smiled smugly knowing that he succeeded in making me look fashionable.

"Well then, let's go!!" He practically ran down the stairs and was out the house, waiting near my bike in a matter of seconds.

"Calm down, and was it planned for me to wear a skirt so I couldn't drive?? Ugh, I'm so not done with you Saul I will have my revenge!!" I say dramatically as I walk to my bike.

"I'll be gentle with the bike okay? Hurry up, we gotta meet them before they wither away!" despite Saul's hair covering his eyes, I could see them shining with anticipation for their gig. I hopped on the bike, wrapped my arms tightly around Saul, who already sat himself on, and we drove off in a
comfortable silence.


"You made it!!" Steven cried, running up to me at the speed of light.

"Woa-" Before I could even protest I was being twirled around and crushed by Steven's tight embrace.

"You're killing her!"

"She's turning blue!"


After Steven finally let me go, I jokingly limped over to the others, greeting them.

AN-im soooooo sorry this took so long .-.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2015 ⏰

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