~chapter four~

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A/N I haven't checked this chapter for any spelling mistakes or in general so I apologise in advance it may also be a bit boring I'm sorry but I wanted to get it out there ASAP as I'm posting later than usual today:)

Getting a  job...
Me and Dels ate some cereal from the left over milk that was still in date and like the only thing in the fridge. We didn't really talk at the table it just didn't seem right to be our cheery and happy selfs.

After I ate my food I went up stair to make myself look some what presentable for today as I'm going to try and get that job at Ward Cameron's boat and as he was the riches man on the island I need to make good first impressions.

I put on a skirt and and nice short sleeved blouse. I covered my roped burned wrists with some bandages I found in the medical cabinet. It did look a bit weird but bracelets wouldn't cover it. I put on some nice trainers and went to my bathroom to do my hair. I ended up putting it up in a high lose ponytail pinning the lose strands that fell out with a hair clip. I don't usually wear makeup that much even though I have it, I just put on some concealer to cover the bags under my eyes from not sleeping.

I walked down the stairs. I saw Dels was sitting on the sofa in the living room staring at the floor where less than 24 hours before were her dead parents. She looked so numb but sad. I didn't like seeing her like this. I hated it for a fact. I didn't want to leave her alone today but I need this job for us.

I stand a little longer looking at how my sweet pea was hurting. She felt me staring and her head rose up and she forced a fake smile on her face. "You alright, where are you going, you look nice." Her fake smile turned into some what of a genuine smile which warmed my heart. "I'm going to try and get a job for us so we can have money and thank you." My lips upturned slightly. "Oh. That's nice I guess." Her face fell again into sadness. It was probably because that reminded her that we no longer have parents."Hey" I said quietly. "Will you be alright by yourself here today, I'll be back as soon as I can." I said a sick feeling hitting my stomach of worry. I didn't want her to be alone in a time like this. "I'll be fine- but don't be too long." A sigh left her mouth I saw that she was worried too and scared. I walked up to her and kissed her cheek. "I won't be long, I promise sweet pea, I love you see you soon."

"I love you too."

I was worrying sick of what Dels would be getting to at home, but I needed to push that sick feeling down if I don't want to mess up my first meeting with Ward. I was feeling a little nervous about leaving the house for the first time, people have never seen me here before and I was for sure getting some confused looks, but I never broke cover of my "badass self." I decided that I need to just push all the feelings down like I do normally, even though they were heightened at the moment because of everything that happened which made it difficult, but that's never stopped me before so why should it now. I took a deep breathe and went back to my emotionless careless self. At least this way I wouldn't make a fool of myself and I'd look confident.

I asked a few people around about where I could find his boat. I imagined he'd be on the boat at the moment so I decided to go there first.

After a couple of minutes of walking I found his boat. It was huge. I didn't exactly know if I was allowed to get on but I did anyway. I step foot on the boat and started looking around for Ward.

I looked around for a little while. Everything about the boat was amazing, it was spotless and clean, the white paint on the boat didn't even chip due to the constant water that was there. It was beautiful.

Before I knew it, I felt a hand on my shoulder, which quickly woke me out of my day dream about the lovely interior. My instincts rapidly turned on I couldn't control them. I grabbed the hand and spun it round causing the persons wrist to twist , I turned my body at the same time so I could face this person. One thing I taught myself was "trust no one" and I didn't know who this was or why they were touching me. You can never be to careful.

~sweet pea~ j.mWhere stories live. Discover now