10. You Feel Like Home

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By the following week, and the ones after, the two boys were attached by the hip. Where one boy was, the other was in close proximity. Each other's mothers were now best friends, gossiping about the neighbourhood's latest details, and sharing recipes and gardening tips. 

Sebastian's father seemed like one to Vincent too. The three went on outings together, raising each other on grassy fields, and cooking food in the morning before heading out to the nearest beach for a picnic. 

It was beautiful. 

Vincent came to know the Sebastian inside out, and vice versa. They were each other's muse, the inspiration needed when one didn't have any. 

Yet sometimes, when Goldie locks was busy with school (he was quite often drowning in homework and tests), Vincent would revert back to his original self.

He'd sneak out at midnight and meet up with his gang, passing cigarettes around and letting the smoke tendrils dance in the silent air. They'd find some poor soul and beat them up for fun, before running away when a proclaimed hero would swoop in and try to save the day. 

But by then, the damage would already be setting in, dark red blood staining the concrete in the poorly lit alleyway, running down the path as if it was a tear drop on a broken soul's cheek.

When Sebastian had found Vincent in the same alleyway, him and his friends looming over someone, threatening the person with their fists and demanding to be allowed to hit them, he was crazed. 

He'd taken Vincent by the ear and dragged him all the way home, to his own home. There, in the solitude of his room, he'd given Vincent the longest lecture ever. Vincent had felt like a three year old who'd been caught drawing on the walls. He had stared at Sebastian with big doe eyes, unshed tears swimming inside them. 

Sebastian had made him promise that whenever he felt that way, he'd come to him and they'd do something about it.

Today, Vincent was feeling that way. And so he showed up at the bakery Sebastian was working at, clad in a leather jacket to fight off the cold of the night, and twirling a cigarette with his plump, red lips. 

He stood outside the little store for a while, admiring the golden haired boy as he pasted on a smile and greeted customers. When he had served three people, Vincent had finally decided to go in. A little bell jingled above the door as Vincent pushed it open. 

Sebastian looked up, the greeting on his lips dying as soon as he realized who it was. Vincent smiled a little, the awestruck look on his face was cute. 

Vincent had decided to let his thoughts roam free near the boy, it was of no use to control and quell them. They'd spring back up, stronger than ever, anyways. 

Sometimes he decided to voice the thoughts, and basked in the reaction he got. Like now, when Sebastian turned as pink as the strawberry he was holding, ready to adorn the strawberry macchiato he was making when Vincent said he looked adorable. 

Vincent just laughed, and claimed a table opposite the counter while he waited for Goldie to finish his shift. He did catch the latter staring at him countless times, but decided to simply smirk and rake his eyes over Seb's body, causing the latter to hastily turn away and continue making drinks, or pretend to do so.

When Sebastian got off his shift, he let his facade drop and revealed his tired eyes and hopeful smiles.

"Is it one of those days again, Vinnie?" Sebastian tiredly questioned, stretching out a hand for Vincent to hold onto. Vincent always complied,  even let the boy take the lead while they walked, dragging him along the narrow, winding path.

Sebastian had taken to calling Vincent, Vinnie, when he was tired, like the numerous things he did in that state. Vincent had long accepted it, finding it hard to tell him to stop when Sebastian rubbed his hands over his tired eyes and pouted straight at him.

They walked in silence, Sebastian stumbling, half asleep, and Vincent always catching him. When they got to Sebastian's home, the latter looked refreshed, as if he'd taken a nap on the walk there. 

They entered the home quietly, afraid to wake up Sebastian's parents and for Vincent get yelled at for, once again, staying over when he had his own home to go to.

However, Sebastian would always yell back at them, saying that this was Vincent's home too. It felt like it, more like, the boy with the golden locks felt like it, like home. 

When they reached Sebastian's room, Seb forced Vincent onto his bed, and jumped alongside him, spooning Vincent whilst laying his head on his chest. Vincent replied by hugging Sebastian closer to his chest, if possible, and humming in delight as he wove his slender fingers through Sebastian's soft, curly locks. 

Soon, Vincent drifted off to sleep, and Sebastian followed. They had forgotten to talk that night about Vincent's troubles, but at least Vincent hadn't gone out, and had respected his promise to the man he held tightly against himself. 

It was alright, for now.

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