07. Drunk on You

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Despite having such a strong connection the first time they met, both boys refused to call the other. Vincent, because he was afraid of being hurt, of falling in love so deep, that it suffocated him and left him in pain. 

Sebastian, because he didn't think, didn't know, that he would be capable of even loving at all. His mother had left because she didn't love him, or herself. His father had gone through multiple girlfriends, yet he couldn't love any of them. 

And now here he Sebastian was. Unlovable. 

However, Sebastian did feel something towards Vincent. But, this feeling he'd only had one other time in his life. With a girl named Hayley. She was wonderful, all smiles and positive sunshine. Until he'd gotten to know her when she was drunk. 

She was horrible, cruel, vain, and selfish. Hayley got drunk quite often, so Sebastian felt her wrath daily. He hated that he had endured it only because he had loved her. Thought he'd loved her. 

But he was only with her because he despised feeling lonely. Usually, his mother was home to talk with, and his father would join in from time to time. But ever since she left, his father had put his time into his work and not to take care of his only son.

And now, Seb was afraid that the same thing would happen with Vincent. But it was 12 am on a friday night, and he was itching to call the other boy. 

Right now, he was sleeping over at his best friend's house. The one who lived next to Vince. She was also an amazing person. Inside, and out. He loved her, in a way that you'd love your best friends. She was his only friend, though, so he felt he was kind of indebted to her, in way at least. 

She'd seen him during his emotional breakdowns, panic attacks as Perse had liked to call them. Her name was, in fact, short for Persephone. She had unruly, dark curly hair, reaching just past her shoulders. And her skin was flawless. It completely contrasted his own pale features, her dark tones overpowering his. 

Fuck it, Sebastian thought. He'd just jump out her window and knock on Vincent's, which was right across. 

And so he did just that.

He had to knock three times, like some odd fairy tale, before Vincent finally heard him. 

Vincent had to fight a smile at the sight of Sebastian, his disheveled hair and rumpled shirt.

The way the moon reflected his face, the way his eyes shone when they met his. It was all so lovely.

The wind ruffled his shirt, causing it to dance about. His hair was swept along to the same tune, turning about. And his eyes were the best. They reflected the stars in a way that wasn't possible. The amber coloured tones made them appear magical, mystical almost. 

Wow, Vincent screamed internally, don't kiss him, don't! 

"Bruv, you gon' let me in or what?" Sebastian mumbled, blush spreading like wildfire across his cheekbones.  

"Uh- yes come in," Vincent stuttered. What was with Seb's accent?  Vince then realized that he was probably quite sleepy, and his weird ass accent only came out when he was that way. Holy shit that's so cute, he thought, stepping back as Goldie gently lowered himself into his room.

It was then that Vincent realized he wasn't wearing a shirt, and that his room was being scrutinized under Sebastian's wary gaze.

But he oddly felt at peace, despite being so raw and open to a boy he barely knew. It's alright, he trusted Seb

Apparently, Sebastian had been going through his stuff, too, while he was so lost in thought. Vincent quickly rushed over when he saw him going through his "sad motherfucker" pile, where he stored things that helped him get over his sad phases. 

His tapes, containing classic songs, cigarettes, and worst of all, alcohol. The very strong kind, the kind you probably shouldn't even have, least of all try. 

Sebastian whistled lowly, reading the alcohol contents of the newly acquired bottle. His mother's boyfriend loved drinking them, and Vincent stole them just to toy with the now dead man. 

Without warning, Goldie popped open the cap, and took a greedy sip from the bottle. 

"Holy shit, Seb," Vincent ran over to where said boy was, coughing his lungs out, "why the fuck would you drink that, you could die."

And apparently, the boy was already drunk. Vincent now realized that he'd drank quite a bit, and that apparently Sebastian was a light weight. Damn it. 

"Vincent~" Seb drawled out, reaching out to hold the dark haired male's shoulders.

"Yes?" Vincent gritted out, trying to hide the bottle while simultaneously holding onto Goldie locks so he didn't fall over and hurt himself. 

"I'm so drunk~" Sebastian sang, "Drunk on you, mon amour." 

Promptly after that, Sebastian passed out. 

what the fuck. 

SAY MY NAME, bxb ✔Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora