12 - Galaxy Star Girl (Part 2)

Start from the beginning

"You won't be able to." Niika rubs her forehead, "At least you stepped in. That's a step in the right direction. Confiding in me about your cybody was another. So was asking me to train you." Sugata says sitting across from her. When Niika still seems depressed, he goes on. "Regardless of what you think right now, I personally believe that you've become rather strong. You've proven yourself to be taking our Star Driver drama serious enough, working hard to be able to do your part in all this. In fact, it's even starting to physically show, how hard you've been working." Sugata points to her arms, "Whether you think so or not, your training is baring its fruits, Niika-chan."


Sugata closes his eyes for a second, "In fact, I believe you were plenty strong before you started training with me. Perhaps even before you came to this island. The weakness you're really feeling...isn't physical. It's mental, isn't it?" Niika looks down. Sugata opens his eyes and stares at her. "Niika. All it takes is a little time getting to know you to get the sense that you've been mentally oppressed. You don't have any confidence, in yourself, or your personal abilities. I bet you believe that those qualities don't exist."

"You're right, Sugata. I don't." Niika hugs her knees, "If I did...if I had any backbone at all, my brother and I wouldn't be on this island at all. He wouldn't need to feel he has to protect me so much, and we'd be living a normal life. One where both he and I know things, and I'm not the only one literally left in the dark."

Sugata starts to pry, but upon seeing the darkness in Niika's expression he waited for the girl to elaborate herself. When she didn't however, he sighs, leaning back on the floor. He looks towards the window, the sunset extremely low and the sky becoming dark. Finally, he speaks, "I don't know why, how, or who oppressed you, Takashiro Niika. But the fact that you are not strong is a lie." Sugata points to the cybody mark at her chest. "The fact that you harbor a cybody, is proof of that alone." Sugata then stands, "Please get changed. Before you leave tonight, I would like to take a walk with you."


"We better find my sister, Fujimoto. Otherwise, I'm going to kill you."


"Technically it's your fault for her disappearing." Takuto accuses, casually putting his hands in his pants pockets.

"But she was avoiding you at first! You're the reason I tagged along to her house! If I hadn't gone, that wouldn't have happened!" Kazuma defends, digging a finger in his shoulder.

"I didn't make her upset."

"Who says, ahhhh!?"

"Give it a rest you two," Wako says as they approach Sugata's mansion from the dirt trail. "Sugata is the only person we haven't asked. If he doesn't know, that's when we should worry."

At that same moment, Sugata and Niika, back from their walk, rest in the foyer. "Sugata, I've been meaning to ask you something for a while."

"Shoot away."

"Why haven't you been speaking to Wako-chan? She's your fiancee, isn't she?" Sugata's face falls, "Since you woke from your c-coma they called it, you've been acting strange around her. Takuto noticed it first, but seeing your face now, even I can see something is wrong. What is it?"

"It's none of your business, Miss Takashiro." Sugata's tone was firm. He stood up not wanting to continue the conversation.

But Niika didn't back down. "Sugata-kun, I'm asking you as your friend, not your pupil." She threw his words back at him, "I-I'm genuinely concerned...about you and Wako. It's okay. Y-You can tell me, I won't say anything. Please, Sugata?"

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