. under the same sky again .

Start from the beginning

"Earth to Jinyoung. Send the damned list." Mark snapped, impatient as he wore his jacket.

"I'm coming with you; she will be fine." Jinyoung tried to assure the panicked silver-haired man next to him when he couldn't deny the worry seeping through his veins.

There was no time to panic. He had to act strong, unwavering as he shouldn't for a rival's disappearance who was merely a girl to tick off his list months ago. It felt stupid how his party's schedule was gone again because of the said girl who sneakily, unknowingly, changed his life's routine.

He thought it would take less than an hour to find her, but here they were, searching every bar, hospital, and police station till the night reached its darkest, sucking the strength he barely had earlier, feeding his anxious thoughts.

"She will be okay." Jinyoung drawled out, patting Mark's back who swatted his hands away.


"She won't, Jinyoung. You don't understand!"  He yelled, hands covering his face.

"I'm trying my hardest to. She isn't a kid."

"Fuck off, Jinyoung. I don't need your useless help." Mark spat with a glare.

"Is that how you say thanks? Fuck you, Mark," Jinyoung stormed off, furious, blinded by stress, exhaustion, and frustration.

His feet dragged him to the rusty stairs that led to the dorm's rooftop. The sounds of glass bottles clicking behind the door had Jinyoung frozen for a second, palming his own forehead for missing such an obvious place they both sought comfort.

Jinyoung trickled onto the rooftop, face hit with the cold wind as he moved closer to the girl. He spent the day searching for her when she was right under his feet. A sigh of relief escaped his mouth when he saw only two empty bottles rolling on the floor.

He squatted down next to her, leveling with her red face and dazed, unconcentrated eyes glistening with tears. Jinyoung sighed, carefully taking the bottle from her hands.

"Jisoo, enough drinking. Everyone is worried about you." He advised, holding his hand in the air, afraid that she would lose balance any moment.

She sniffed and swerved around to hide her tears. "I don't deserve their worry. As he said, I'm not enough to be loved."

"He said what?!" Jinyoung eyes widened, his jaw clenched to suppress the rising anger, not believing that someone sane was blind enough to utter these words. His hands cupped the girl's face without waiting for him to take action, forcing her to look through him like his eyes could snatch the ugly words from her memory.

"Jisoo, you are perfect and deserve all the love in the world and more importantly you are more than enough, and he was a blind asshole," Jinyoung said in a serious, yet warm tone with hope that he could embed the words of affirmation in her mind and heart instead of the pain caused by her past.

He didn't expect giggles in return, but Jisoo was full of surprises, chuckling as her unbroken hand kept his against her bunched-up cheeks. "Angel Jinyoungie is so kind. Keep this side of you. It's hitter than the lame jerk playboy Jinyoungie" The teasing words were slurred, making him flustered suddenly, heart skipping a beat when he noticed their closure.

His hands dropped upon realization as her unbalanced head dropped against his chest. "We need to get you to your room. You are drunk." He ignored the heat burning his ears, gently holding Jisoo by her slender shoulders.

"I'm okay." She placed her hands in front of her chest in defense before rubbing her face with them. "Just leave me for a while." She whispered.

"No, I will stay beside you." He whispered back as their eyes locked again under the same sky that witnessed the night Jisoo insisted on being there for him for no reason days ago and the little accident that intertwined their fates a month ago.

Jinyoung smiled, looking at the Jisoo's doodled cast that caused their truce. His finger knocked on the solid cast. "This caused so much trouble."

Jisoo rolled her swollen eyes, letting out a light huff. "It's your fault."

"It is my fault," Jinyoung didn't deny this time, letting the silence embrace their night as his arms wrapped around his knees while Jisoo's head rested against his shoulder.

The safe silence mixed with the warmth of their close sides in contrast with the cold breeze that hit their cheeks was like a magic spell that unlocked one of the things he swore that he would never open about to anyone.

"Jisoo, I---. I wasn't going to jump off that day, I can't when I p-promised Jaebum not to and I think I can promise you the same even it's a little too late after your request."

His words came out flawlessly unfiltered, shocking him with the made promise to someone who thought didn't matter, leaving him with his only wish on that night; for Jisoo to forget what his mouth just slipped.

'What the hell just happened?'

Hello❄️ A great reminder not to tolerate cheaters🤍

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Hello❄️ A great reminder not to tolerate cheaters🤍

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