Arc 2 Chapter 14: All According to Plan

Start from the beginning

Ryuko's Kamui was already in it's transformed state. Even from far away I could tell she was hesitant about fighting (R/N). Her hands were subtly shaking and her eyes darted all around, looking for any visible weak points on (R/N)'s body before the battle begins. Meanwhile, (R/N) was completely calm. His Odachi reflected hope around his body like a magnificent spotlight. He stood tall and proud.

I had full faith in Honnouji's finest warrior, but a part of me was worried that Goshujin might effect (R/N)'s performance on the battlefield. This is the first time he will utilize it in battle...

(R/N) looks at me and nods his head, indicating that he was ready to begin. 

Satsuki: Ryuko Matoi! You have been challenged to a duel by Honnouji Academy's Vice-President! You have agreed to the terms of victory and defeat! If you fail to abide by these vows, you will be purged! VICIOUSLY! 

Ryuko snaps her head at me. 


She points her scissor blade at (R/N). 

Ryuko: I'll beat your stupid Vice-President into the dirt! Then, I'm comin' for the Elite Four!

I couldn't stop myself from smirking at her comment. Her ambition was truly something else. 

Satsuki: That's IF you can stop the world's finest sword dancer! Have fun Matoi! BEGIN!

(R/N) graciously raises his Odachi into a fighting stance. The air itself seemed to bow to his commanding posture.

His dominant hand rested above the other on the sword's two foot long hilt, his legs bent and ready to move at any moment. (R/N)'s eyes were glued to the opponent before him. 

Ryuko lets out a battle cry. Her heels dig into the dirt. 


Junketsu wriggles at the mentioning of Ryuko's Kamui. 

Ryuko propels herself forward, leaving a trail of destruction in her wake. 

She swings at (R/N)'s torso with all the strength she has just inches away from where he was standing.

He blocks the full power attack by raising his sword horizontally above his head. The sound of metal striking metal echoes in my ears as the swords make contact. 

Ryuko applies more pressure behind her scissor blade while yelling. The vents on her Kamui let out steam from a increased amount of blood flow. 

Ryuko's arms were buckling from the amount of pressure she was putting into her attack. (R/N) stayed completely still.

(R/N) pushes upwards in retaliation. 

The force sends Ryuko flying off of him.

Ryuko doubles back around and goes for a straightforward horizontal slash across (R/N) abdomen, but he spreads his legs out while bending backwards, doing a split to allow Ryuko to fly right over him. 

Ryuko: How did he-

(R/N) kicks his legs around on the ground and flips himself upwards behind Ryuko who just landed after her missed attack.

Ryuko: HE'S FAST-

(R/N) strikes the back of her head with the pommel of his sword. The impact sends Ryuko crashing to the ground in a concussed haze. 

She screams out while holding the back of her head.

(R/N) doesn't follow up his attack. Instead, he reverts back to his battle stance while Ryuko picks herself up off the ground. 

The Vice-President (Male Reader x KILL La KILL )Where stories live. Discover now