Chapter 21. Loose Goat

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The steps of the ambassador of monsters were quite hasty despite she was very nervous of what she's going to do. She didn't like to use this kind of methods, but if she had to do what's necessary to achieve her objective, the guilt can wait behind the satisfaction to watch it being fulfilled.

Her mother hasn't answered yet, thing that sadly was very common on her to let the device unattended for not feeling comfortable with it. So, she finally opted to go to the ruins to present her second big step on her plan, but for the short time she had she couldn't afford to waste it walking through the whole underground even if she loved to walk.

When she finally arrived at Hotland's river which connected a big part of the whole kingdom, she saw very happy that the hooded figure was there with its boat.

"Greetings, your majesty" The Riverperson turned towards her when she was almost at its side "where will we go today?"

"Just call me Frisk" she was feeling awkward because now there were too many monsters that considers her part of royalty. "I need to go to the ruins, so take me as close as you can, please."

"Then we're off..."

It waited until the human was on the boat to start moving with the stream, which was very slow for her taste. She was in a hurry before the unknown of how long she will take to convince Toriel to go out in a romantic date with her ex husband. As they were advancing with that rhythm, Frisk changed in many positions inside the boat by the desperation for not arriving already.

"Excuse my boldness, but I remember you used to go faster" She commented after sighing of desperation "I don't wanna be rude, but I'm really in a hurry this time"

"Today the stream wishes to see your face in it, your majesty" The hooded figure said pacific. "It is captivated by your presence."

"Well I would appreciate if it understands that I have a lot to do" She said following the flow of the weird conversation. She lied down for the third time by the anxiety she was having by the null speed in the travel. She was still in Hotland grounds.

"You can't ask it to understand, is not in its nature. It just acts with what it gets."

Frisk sighed very inpatient. She was used to the nonsense which usually comes from the owner of the boat, but for now she's eager to arrive at her other home to continue with the plan she had elaborated error proof in detail. After some minutes listening it singing the same hum, the human changed her position to lean and see the water of the river, where she could see that the fishes were swimming faster than them, which made her growl for being too late to get down and move for her own.

"Tra la la... Did you know that skeletons are not boneheads?"

She would've love to jump into the water and swim given the situation, so she can go faster than the current transport. For being raised in an orphanage most of the time of her life, the mums never had the initiative to teach them how to swim because they thought that this kind of knowledge doesn't correspond them to teach. That's something that their adoptive families must teach them, as how they think.

The ambassador promised herself to ask their parents to teach her how to swim one day before that sudden memory. If everything goes alright, she'll have them together.

"Excuse me uhh..." Frisk realized that even if she knows Riverperson, she doesn't know its name. She limited herself to call it Riverperson as enough reference to locate it, but its rude now to call it like that "What's your name?"

"Do I have a name?" The being said in a surprised tone "Many calls me Riverperson, but I never believed that I would get a name. What a surprise my life is giving me today."

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