Chapter 18. Conversing face to pollen

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The ambiance got a bit tense in the dinner table were the uneven family was looking for answers from the young girl, who was drinking her cup of tea slowly to enlarge a bit the moment before the possible intense interrogatory which is coming for her.

"You want to know if I had a family on the surface" The human went ahead without even asking what they were looking for after understanding what they wanted at the first sign "No, I hadn't. This is the first time I have the joy to be in one."

Both monsters looked at each other dumbfounded. The truth is they already had imagined that because of her independent acts, but they didn't expect her to answer so soon and unworried. Almost as if that topic is just whatever.

"Did you meet them?" Toriel dared to ask.

As a defensive instinct, Frisk clenched her hands with some strength on the cup which she's still holding while she thought in the answer without having to lie at all. It was curious, but when Sans asked her about the subject, she could answer without any problem, even if that made the skeleton to worry about how cruel the human can be to do such things. But now it's her adoptive mother the one who's asking that terrifies her to think what could be her reaction, and even more when the face of the ex queen wasn't graceful at all right now.

"No, a woman left me near an orphanage when I was a couple days after new born."

"What's an orphanage?" The king asked confused.

"What do you mean by «near»?" Toriel asked alarmed imagining the worst.

Frisk intuited that the topic can extend into a worrying level for them. She couldn't help feeling loved from them because of everything they've shown to her, but she can't let slide the fact that they were searching for something else from her that they can't catch yet. She stood alert in case of anything while she tried to answer as best as possible.

"An orphanage is..." She thought seriously in the correct words to answer that "A place where people left children without parents or family. I don't know if all the orphanages are the same way, but at least in where I lived it was managed by mums and they would take care of everyone until a family wants to adopt us."

"Mums?" Asgore asked again still with confusion in his face "Aren't they humans who belong in a cult or something like that?"

"Uhhh...." the human felt confused by that question "They are women with the vocation to serve to a religion or faith. They wear clothes that cover the whole body, they pray a lot and..."

"...They teach others to pray, as well as to respect the gods."

Toriel's voice was so low that her last worlds were almost unheard, but that disconcerted Frisk by completely after noticing what her mother said was correct. Did monsters believe in Gods? In the time Frisk has been with them, she never had noticed to have something similar to what she knew from the surface. She recognized that religion was a topic too complex for her and she simply opted to let it slide without giving it importance in her own mind by not wanting or understanding at all what it was. She limited herself to accept what the mums said and follow whatever the others did with that without questioning nothing. She was a little child after all when she learned all that stuff.

But before the word "gods" from the ex queen, her interest in the topic grew. If the monsters really had their own faith, then why didn't her mother teach her that at all? Isn't she supposed to know all about them to be the ambassador who everyone needs in its moment? And the weirdest thing is her mother saying that with the most melancholic way, thing that the king neither let slide, who, for the surprise of Frisk, looked at her with compassion. What is she missing?

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