“Earphone girl's got a point.” Bakugo pointed out. “Half Pint is still recovering from her wounds, and dealing with that bastard probably just made it worse.” 

“If that’s the case then I feel better.” Izuku let out a sigh of relief. “I was worried about how well she was gonna fair in class… but now-” 

“You can worry about yourself.” Bakugo grunted and scrunched up Izuku’s hair. “Whatever we’re doing today, prepared to get beat!” 

“It’s been a long time, Class A!” All Might appeared suddenly grinning ear to ear. “I hope you all had a worthwhile time at those internships, because it’s time to jump back into Hero Basic Training!”  

Excited, the students gathered back in and paid close attention. 

“I have a special guest here with me. She’s agreed to help with our exercise for the day. Come on down!” All Might motioned with his hand and a figure leapt from atop the building, big wide wings spreading out as she floated down like an angel from heaven.  Sword Glistening, and face fierce, Valkyrie stood smiling proud. 

“Hey all you rookies! I hope you’re all ready to show off your stuff!” 

“Valkyrie!” Izuku bounced with excitement. “What are you doing here?” 

“Visiting, naturally.” Valkyrie smiled and put her hands on her hips. “This is my Alma Mater too, yah know. When All Might asked that I participate in class, I couldn’t help but agree.” Her wings fluttered some showing her inner excitement at being included. 

“Now then… since Izumi seems to be out sick for the day, that gives us a perfect rounding number. We’ll split you all up into four groups of five and spread you out on training field Gamma! Your object is to race through this maze of pipes and buildings to rescue the fair maiden.”   He motioned to Valkyrie who swooned helplessly for affect. 

Mineta’s libido went into berserk mode as he imagined saving Valkyrie and being rewarded with a big fat kiss.  “I love this school!!!” 

All Might went into further detail on the objective of the exercise. He then held out a box for the students to draw to decide the groups… and then turned to Valkyrie holding out his hand for hers. 

“Well then, fair lady… please take your place.” 

“With pleasure…” Valkyrie took his hand letting it linger there a moment. She then floated up and soared into the maze. All Might looked on after her, something familiar stirring inside him and he held his chest.  Izuku looked back and forth between his father and Valkyrie and cleared his throat.

“Uh Dad… err I mean All Might.” he cleared his throat again. “Don’t you think you should-” 

“Hmmm? Oh right!” He rubbed the back of his head laughing. “Sorry I got lost in the moment there. Now then, young heroes, take your place!”  


Studying was a good idea, but she couldn’t concentrate in the dorm. It was too quiet, and without Izuku or Bakugo nearby for company, she decided it would be better to go out.

“Wait…” She scolded herself groaning. “I can’t go out… all that media and publicity will snap pictures of me skipping school.” She cursed and sat back down. “I don't want to stay here though...how can I go out without anyone recognizing me?” She glanced to the side and spotted the shaper in the corner. She hadn’t used it since before the tournament and it had remained on its charger ever since. 

“Hmmm…” She looked at herself in the mirror and her lips instantly curved. “There’s an idea.” She stood up to change. Jeans and sweatshirt helped the illusion, and she pulled her hair up into a hat before pulling the hoodie over it. To help the guise she put a face mask on and nodded in approval at her image. She change her eye color to blue to complete the look and gathered her books and bag again. 

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