suspended in the air

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a.n. One of two. This is a requested dedication by @_thebrokefangirl, thank you for reading!

Dedicated to those underneath the sky,

suspended in the air
i found myself staring
in the awes of your beauty
nothing dares to compare

different days, different hues
caused by the sun and by the moon

soft, amazing and delicate
white but sometimes with pigment
brings happiness and bliss
like small little things

do not anger, you may suffer
hurricanes and storms when raged
do not dare to engage nor-
hold fire against the rain


Reason behind the words, what I meant is-

Rarely, we find ourselves in awe of something or someone and we tend to think that nothing compares to that object or person like clouds.

Clouds are one of the things that we find ourselves in awe of.

Different personalities, different masks and different attitudes are the things that are shown to us but we still are in awe by the beauty that we saw in the same thing.

Clouds having different appearances reflect us people, we wear masks everyday.

We see it as soft, fragile and unique. Sometimes it's plain like an empty canvas but sometimes when we prefer to look at another angle or aspect it's fully pigmented and highly saturated with a vibe that is far from what we expect from that thing or person and that's what brings us shallow joy.

Clouds look soft and fluffy and the feeling of staring at them is calming, the soft feeling. In an angle the clouds may seem unflattering but at another point of view they are glistening.

We wouldn't want to cross the line and make that subject angry, we wouldn't want it to build up like clouds that combine and form destructive and chaotic storms.

Clouds are destructive, joining them together causing it to build up makes it stronger and wilder.

We wouldn't shoot the skies for pouring rain.

a.n. thank you for reading! The meaning is much longer than the actual poem itself but I hope y'all liked it.☁️

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