What Will You do When She Comes for You?

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"Listen, Justinian. I need you to calm down, okay?" Kailey cried, shoving her body weight against Justinian to keep him from leaving his apartment.

"How am I supposed to calm down when you just told me that she wants to be with someone else?" Justinian yelled, barging towards the door, not caring if Kailey was in the way or not. But luckily, she was in the brilliant martial arts program. Within only one kick to the head, he had given up and was now kneeling honorably to the woman who had bested him.

"Get up, stupid, and sit in that chair," Kailey said, pointing her sharp fingernail towards Justinian's desk chair. His counter was messy and there were multiple wet patches on the chair, but he sat there anyway. 

"I'm listening, master," Justinian said, and straightened his back. 

"Great. Now, you will stay away from Theodora henceforth. Is that clear?" Kailey said, shoving a finger against his temple. 

Justinian refused to say anything and instead chose to look at the floor.

"I see you're having trouble understanding me. Now, let me make it clear. You guys had your shot at a relationship. When you dumped her for the silliest reason in the universe, Theodora crumbled. She could barely get back onto her 'feet' if you know what I mean. She was miserable, and she loved you so much that it hurt. Then, two years later, you, the jerk who dumped her came back into her life and expressed an interest in dating her again. Am I clear so far?" Kailey said, her voice was like ice, and her stare was like a thousand wildfires igniting all over Justinian's body.

"Yes ma'am," Justinian announced and tried desperately not to cry. What kind of a monster was he to dump Theodora over something so petty? What kind of a monster was he to make her suffer for so many years?

"Alright. So then you understand that I was the one who helped her get into baking and helped her get a new life back. And you also understand the reason that I came here," Kailey whispered, kneeling on the ground in front of Justinian. Her checkered black and red jacket made Justinian pull his gaze away from hers, and at that moment he desperately wished he had never come back to New York City.

"Sorry, ma'am, but I don't understand why you are here."

Calmly but swiftly, Kailey stood up and clenched her teeth. "I came here to stop you, you idiot! I will never, ever let you hurt Theodora again, you understand me? She needs to find someone else. Someone new who will never act like the jerk you were. So you better stay away from her. And if you don't, I think you know what will happen," Kailey hissed. 

Grabbing her phone from Justinian's countertop, Kailey angrily hurled through the doorway, leaving Justinian to his toxic feelings and thoughts. 


No matter what he tried, Justinian could not get Kailey out of his head. She was a powerful, strong woman.

And, Justinian had never surrendered to a woman before. He was really that amazing. But then suddenly Kailey shows up and is able to kick Justinian right in the face? Kailey must be seriously special to be able to do that.

So, was this a sign that Kailey should be his girlfriend? After all, she was pretty smart. And, she was still in college. People his age who were still in college must be smart. Justinian liked smart women. He liked a woman who could provide for herself and didn't need anybody else.
And, they had chemistry. Sure, he had forgotten about their relationship before, but now that he and Theodora were no longer a thing, he might as well give Kailey a second chance!

Kailey was this woman. Kailey was everything he had ever searched for. She was even better than Theodora herself.

So, that is why Justinian was going to Kailey's college. Some people said that college was fun (kind of), but Justinian was ten times better. And according to the school schedule, NYU should be on lunch break.

And yes, Kailey went to NYU. She was smart, pretty, powerful, strong, and a general mastermind. To put in frankly, if Kailey could make him and Theodora a couple, why couldn't she do the same with them?

Unless she really did hate him, of course. However, that was pretty much impossible. Justinian didn't really have any haters. He had his fan club, full of people who utterly adored him. There were no such people that were known as Justinian Haters.

In the courtyard, there were hundreds of benches spread widely apart. They had huge tents covering them, and lots of shady trees to lean against. Spotting the woman he was looking for, he walked towards her.

Kailey was talking to her friends, and her blonde hair was flying in the wind.

"Kailey... will you go out with me?"

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