Her Past

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Devinie's POV:

The callings first started when I was around the earthling age of seven years old. It was the third life I was living. In my previous lives, I had never experienced anything like this. Even the elders of our community couldn't understand, nor describe what I was facing. I would get strange dreams of a dark-haired boy with the sweetest smile, the shaggiest bangs, the darkest eyes. A smile that would light up the room. My heart ached every time I saw him. In my past lives, I had never gotten married. I was diagnosed with terminal cancer when I was 17 and passed away shortly after in my first life. I was born into the same family for my second life and lived a full life, finally surrendering my old soul at the age of 72.

In my world, it's normal to live multiple lives. Everyone is immortal. Almost everyone was related through their past lives. Of course, a new, first-generation baby was the most exciting. You could raise them like normal children. But they were rare. There were only 3 first-generation babies every year in our world. As for me, I'm closest to my current family. By coincidence, one of my sisters from my first life is my elder sister. We are definitely the closest in my family. So, of course, she was the one I told first about the callings I was having. Her name is April. She is currently on her 7th life, and she treats every life like her first. She has a glowing aura that makes you feel alive, that makes you feel energetic and youthful.

"April?" I called hesitantly. Having only lived 3 lives, I was on the younger side of everyone I knew. I felt like my opinions and experiences were inferior to those who had lived 10 lives or more, or really anyone who had lived more lives than me.

"Yes, sweetheart?" April came over to me and bent down on her knees, reaching her hand up to my head to feel my temperature.

"I keep getting strange dreams of another boy in my head," I pouted, my lips upturning in a frown and my eyes starting to water. I tried to force back the tears but I couldn't, all my emotions flooding out into the open.

April gathered me in her arms, rubbing my hair and holding me close to her. "It's okay, Devinie."

After telling my parents, who had been together since their second lives, all of us took the levtech train to the elder's headquarters, a large square-shaped building with tall flags displaying our national flag. Surrounding it was a freshwater moat that was crystal-blue and had numerous koi fish. There were also numerous different fruit trees and bushes surrounding it. It was the center of the whole city.

The levtech train was a magnetized train that hovered directly above the ground and took you anywhere you wanted if you put in the coordinates. Usually, the four of us rode it together, but occasionally there were others arriving at the same time and heading to the elder's headquarters.

Finally arriving at the elder's headquarters, seven-year-old me grasped tightly onto my older sister's hand. I was scared, after all, I had never been to the elder's headquarters before. My mom had never been, either. Going to the elder's headquarters meant something serious requiring their insight or healing.

The four of them stepped slowly on the tile floor in the hallway, approaching the large, honorary room where the elders were seated. There were three, large chairs, sitting two steps above floor level.

When they reached the elder's position, April got down on her knees and bowed in front of them, with my parents standing behind her and bowing.

April ushered me forwards towards the first step, and I began explaining the visions I was having in great detail, my hands trembling all the while.

The elders stood up and gathered together in a circle, speaking in hushed whispers. "You must have a strong emotional connection with someone in another world. Do you know him from any of your past lives?"

I shook my head. I didn't even know another world existed. "It's uncommon that those of us in our society form strong connections with those on Earth. But, it's happened before. Those who gained strong connections wrote novels about their findings and some even went to the other world. We can issue some of the novels to read about what you're experiencing. We'll also prescribe you some medicine for depression, it tends to help people forget loved ones or those they held strong emotional attachment to. We can see if that helps."

The elders sat back down on their chairs and April rose, grabbing my hand. "Thank you, elders." On our way out, two men in black tuxedos and dark sunglasses handed us a bag full of books and five bottles of pills.

"This should be enough for three years worth, make sure to take one tablet every day in the morning. If there are any issues come back and we can issue another dose. When you need refills just go to your local pharmacy."

Both April and I nodded and went on our way, my mind filled with questions and stained with the imprint of the boy's face in my mind.

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