Chapter II

568 22 71

Smut incoming!


You awoke out of your seemingly long slumber to find yourself sprawled across a large bed. The room was dimly lit, and it took your eyes a few minutes to adjust to the darkness while you slowly sat up. Leaning against the headboard, you scanned the room to find a possible escape. You noticed your backpack sitting on the foot of the bed, and silently thanked whatever higher power that you had all your emergency supplies with you

'Where the hell am I?' You wondered, trying to rack your brain for for an answer. Poring over your memories, you tried to remember what had happened earlier before you fell asleep.

'That's right!' You internally screamed. 'Someone rescued me! I think it was a guy or whatever'.

After swinging your legs over the side of the bed, as soon as your soles touched the cold wooden floor you stretched, letting out a breathy yawn. You snatched your backpack off the bed and swung it over your shoulder. Making your way over to the door, you slowly opened it with a slight creak, peering out the small opening. The room you were in appeared to be at the end of a long hallway with a bathroom on the opposite end to the left, another larger room to its right, and a staircase leading to the first floor.

Whoa, this dude has a nice house. Except for the lack of color and decor, which gave the house a bit of an ominous feel.

You finally decided to stop being a pussy and stepped out of the room entirely, gripping your backpack and letting out a deep breath, one you didn't even know you were holding. You tip-toed down the hallway, past the bathroom and second room, fighting the urge to peek into the next bedroom, and made your way to the staircase. It was a beautiful wooden and slightly spiraled staircase, giving off very much antique vibes.

'No time to worry about a fucking staircase Y/N!!' You internally screamed. 'You can do it. Just move your stupid feet.'

You tried to quietly jog down the stairs, aiming to avoid the creaky steps along the way, and failing horribly. At least you made it all the way down without bringing any attention to yourself. Or so you thought.

"I see you're awake," A deep male voice rang out from what you assumed to be the living room.

You snapped your head towards the sound, realizing that the voice belonged to none other than the masked guardian, the Special Ops guy himself. He was seated on a large leather couch, with his legs resting comfortably on a few throw pillows.

The TV in front of him was softly playing the news, giving information about recent protests in the area, but his attention was no longer held by the channel. He seemed to scan your body up and down, but you wish you were able to see his eyes. Unfortunately, his face was still concealed by his protective gear, but his lower half was dressed comfortably in some protective, all-black underclothing. A skin tight black shirt, and black joggers. He set down the remote in his hand and stood up, calmly walking over to where you were.

If he looked tall from a distance, you wouldn't believe how tall this man looked up close. He walked close enough to where there was only a foot of distance in between you two, a distance he could easily close.

You gaped up at him in awe, barely remembering to speak.

"I-I uh.. yeah I am," You weakly answered.

"And just what were you planning to do a moment ago?" He questioned, towering over you. "With all of that?"

You could practically feel the heat radiating off of his body. If he came any closer, you knew your body would give away that you were already hopelessly lusting for this man.

Special Ops Division. [Discontinued]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt