Chapter 9

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(This is who I imagine as Bree btw)

Harry's POV

"We're about to make a deal with devil aren't we." I say to Bree as are van goes down the highway.

Bree laughs even though this is no laughing matter "I guess so."

Niall is dressed as the van driver while Zayn and Louis are in the trunk of the car. I am dressed up very business like with a suit while Bree is in a formal dress. Not long though. It's white and stops at the knee. She looks very beautiful.

I am worried about bringing Bree into such a place like this. The men will all be looking at her, I need to protect her.

The van pulls up to the building just as Zayn's face pops up from his hiding place. "Okay you guys remember Harry your just showing him some guns and trying to work for the business. Bree your just the assistant." He hands her a gun to put in her purse incase something happens. "I am staying her in the back while Louis and Niall will make the first shots. Does everyone got it?"

We all nod. Zayn and Louis duck down into the trunk and Niall shields his face just as two security guards come onto the scene. We open the doors and step outside.

"Well hello Mr. Styles was it? and Ms..." The security guard asks. I just realized I did not know Bree's last name and Bree was not suppose to talk.

"This is Ms. Harmon." I say quickly, Bree looks at me quickly and winks at the name I have chosen.

The man leads us inside the huge building. He leads us into a room where a buff man is sitting in a chair. It's Liam Payne. I start to get nervous and go over what I'm suppose to say over and over again.

"Hello Mr. Payne I am Harry Styles and this is my assistant Breland Harmon. It's very nice or meet you." We go and shake hands, hopefully he did not notice how sweaty they are.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Styles. Please sit tell me what you need."

Here goes nothing. "I want to work for your business you see, I need money and of course there is the bonus"

"Ahh I see. Well let me tell me what you need to do to work for this business. You would have to at the darkest of night kidnap and bring woman into the building without being caught. If you get caught I may just have to kill you." I tense up at those words.

"But you see..." He continues with a smirk. "I just told your everything and if you don't agree. I will kill you." My throat is dry and I don't know what to say. "So agree or disagree."

"Uh..." I know I was suppose to say agree but I could not say it. I turn to Bree who is giving me dagger eyes. I turn back around to meet Liam's dark eyes. "Agree" I finally manage to say. "And I have some guns that we could use to slow thee woman down when we capture them, there just in my car..."

"Perfect lets go."

(I have two ways I am thinking of what will happen when they open the doors of the van and I can not decide which one😁)

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