Chapter 6: Forgiven

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After dashing out the hall, I heard someone running after me. I turned around so quickly that the person chasing me had smashed into me.

I fell to the floor groaning and the person chasing me  said "ow!" in agony. Their voice sounded oddly familiar.

"Carlos!" I said, frustrated.

"Great to see you too!" He said sarcastically and I rolled my eyes at him. He then stuck out his hand in offer to help me up.

"I don't need your help." I scowled and got up myself and brushed my skirt and then walked off.

"Clearly." Carlos said trailing behind me.

"What do you want?" I said sharply, turning around on my heel to face him. His eyes were looking down, his face full of guilt and fear.

How can I stay mad at him? I sighed to myself.

"At least try to sound nice.." he commented quietly and I once again rolled my eyes.

"Annie look-." He started. "I'm so sorry! You don't even understand! How sorry I am! It's been killing me!" He sobbed.

"Let's talk privately." I hushed him into an empty classroom and he spilled.

"It's our parents Annie! They force us to do it! All of of it! We have no choice!"

"Yes you do Carlos! You had the choice." I told him.

"Annie- But when we next see them they will kill us!" He sighed.

"B-But- Okay fine you win.. you win." I sighed, giving in.

He beamed so brightly that you could see it from a mile away. We then walked out together, both of us smiling brightly.

When we went back in the hall and the VKs saw they all ran to hug me.

"Oh Annie!" Evie cried. "It's so good to have you back."

"Me too.." I sighed, hugging everyone one of them.

"But please.. no more." I said to them.

"We swear!" Mal said.

"Class!" We all said in sync. Before we knew it, the hall was empty meaning class had started and I had that same old moody teacher that I was late in the first time you guys met me.

"Let's go!"


It was 5pm in the evening and I was so bored so I decided to write a song. Ben had told me that there was going to be a talent show and I wanted to sing.

I'm a decent singer so I thought why not?

- this is the song Annie chose HANDS DOWN TO ALESSIA CARA -

I took out my guitar and started.


She just wants to be,
Beautiful she goes,
unnoticed - she knows,
No limits she craves,

Attention she praises,
An image she prays to be,
Sculpted by the sculpture.


Oh she don't see,
The light that's shining,
Deeper than her eyes can find it,
Maybe we have made her blind.


So she's tries to cover up her pain,
And cut her woes away,
Cause cover girls don't cry,
After their face is made.

All of us:

There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark,
Your should know your beautiful,
Just the way you are,

And you don't have to change a thing,
The world can change its heart.
No scars to your beautiful,
Were starts and we're beautiful.


And you don't have to change a thing,
The world can change its heart,
No scars to your beautiful,
We're starts and we're beautiful.


She has dreams to be,
An envy - so she,
Starving you know,
Cover girls eat nothing.

She says, 'beauty is pain and there's beauty in everything'
'What's a little bit of hunger?'
'I can go a little while longer'

She fades away.


She don't see her perfect,
She don't understand she's worth it,
All that beauty goes deeper than the surface,
Oh-oh, Oh


So to all the girls that hurting,
Let me be your mirror,
Help you see a little bit clearer,
The light that shines with in.

All of us:

There's a hope that's waiting for you in the dark,
You should know your beautiful,
Just the way you are,
And you don't have to change a thing,

The world can change its heart,
No scars to your beautiful,
We're stars and we're beautiful,

And you don't have to change a thing,
The world can change its heart,
No scars to your beautiful.

We stars and we're beautiful.


No better you then the you that you are.

Evie and Mal:

(No better you than the you that you are)


No better than the life we're living.

Evie and Mal:

(No better life than the life we're living)

Just at that point, Carlos walked in and I flushed a deep red and Mal and Evie laughed.

"Annie your a great singer!" Evie squealed and ran over.

"Yeah, not to bad." Mal said nodding her head approvingly.

"I think your amazing." Carlos praised laughing to which I rolled my eyes at. Then all three of them came over and hugged me.

"Thanks guys!" I said happily. "Don't tell anyone but we're holding a school talent show later in the month!"

"We are totally auditioning!" Evie said at Mal.

"And Annie should join!" Mal grinned.

"Count me out!" Carlos said laughing.

I couldn't wait!

• A/N •
I had to add a bit of music there! :)

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