Chapter 15

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            Blinding harsh light, the feeling of a nail being driven through my skull, my bed rocking, these are the first things I notice when I wake up Monday morning.

            Groaning I curled up into a ball pulling the blanket over my head. A second later the blanket was pulled completely off of my bed and I felt someone shaking me saying, “Josey you have to get up, you are late for class!” When I finally registered Sam’s voice I blinked open my eyes and turned to look at my alarm clock which was telling me I had about five minutes to get dressed and run to class.

            Yawning I sat up and saw Sam and Natalie looking at me in a concerned way. Loving the fact that they cared enough to most likely get detention to wait for me I said, “I’ll be right behind you guys just run off to class and see if you can stall Ms. Robin enough for me to sneak in.” In a split second they were running out the door while I lazily stretched all of my joints out and into the right position.

            Standing up slowly feeling like an old lady I ambled my way into the bathroom and looked at my reflection amused. I could barely see my blue eyes sparkling with mirth behind the nest that I would call my hair; which was sticking up in every single direction. That and the dark bags underneath my eyes just gave off the impression of a sleep deprived vampire.

            I attempted to pull a brush through my hair, but when it got stuck when I was halfway done, I just gave up and left the rest of it uncombed. I didn’t even bother with makeup either and just pulled on a pair of hole worn jeans and a hot pink t-shirt. Anyone in their right mind would know not to mess with me when they saw me willingly wearing the most disgusting color in the world on my back.

            Throwing all of my books that I needed into my messenger bag I started walking down the halls in absolutely no hurry at all. The bell rang signaling class and soon I was the only soul left in the hallway as I made my way to English. I was just walking through the front hall when there was a muffled sound before a hand wrapped around my arm and dragged me behind one of the statues.

            In a flash I had the bastard’s arm twisted behind his back and his face pressed up against the wall in a matter of five seconds. “Josey it’s me,” he protested. Grabbing his hair I pulled his face back and looked down at Nick. Snorting in amusement I let go of him and watched him rub his arm indignantly.

            When he turned his glare on me I held my hands up in surrender saying, “Okay it’s your fault for dragging me against my will into an alcove where no one can see us. And for underestimating my strength.”

            “How the hell am I supposed to know you have super strength?”

            “Haven’t you heard any of the rumors, since apparently I’ve beaten up about twenty different people and two teachers,” I snorted in amusement. As far as I know I have only beaten up three students, and why would I beat up a teacher? That would leave me expelled and left on the street. I guess people were also counting in the dodge ball game but I didn’t really beat anyone up. Really how do rumors get started and then so messed up, it would take really dumb people to mess up those numbers.

            Nick got quiet and was staring at the wall while I stood there. Why did he pull me back here? Did he want to talk again without other people knowing that we are friends? Are we even friends, because this boy has so many mood swings I just want to tear him in half most of the time? I finally agree with the girls, all males are dim witted and rely only on their feelings.

            A warm finger rested underneath my chin and turned my face until I was staring back up into Nick’s eyes. His lips then pressed against mine in one of the softest kisses that could ever be given. My eyes widened in shock over what was happening but then closed blissfully as a tingly wave went through my body and I stood up on my tip toes so he wouldn’t have to bend over as much.

Kill Me Sweetlyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें