Chapter 13

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            “This is not how I want to spend my Saturday afternoon,” I complained waving the scissors around my head. Sam gave me a look before switching my scissors with her hot glue gun. Oh yeah, like that was just so much safer when wielded in my hands.

            Gluing a snowflake to the backdrop that couples would take pictures in front of Natalie stated, “It isn’t that bad we do get out of all of our afternoon classes.” At the last minute Natalie took pity on me and Sam and decided to join the decorating committee which wasn’t hard for her with her costumes she makes.

            “But I’m missing my art class! That is a sin in my books.”

            The other two completely ignored me and continued on the backdrop while I twisted chicken wire together. I was making a huge mountain covered in fake snow, trees, rivers, and lakes for the main centerpiece for the dance and at the moment I was making the base for the mountain. Taking a roll of twine I started to tie mesh together continuing on my complaint, “And another thing, if we don’t finish this soon then that means we won’t be able to do anything tonight like go out.”

            “Ooh, Natalie I think Josey has a hot date tonight with Nick,” Sam mocked shooting a pointed look over my shoulder. I tried to resist the urge to look but after a moment I found my head turning to stare at the rugby player as he lifted a few heavy boxes causing his muscles to pop. I didn’t realize I was pretty much drooling until Sam said, “Josey close your mouth or he’s going to think you are turning into Crystal and her friends.”

            Blushing angrily I seethed, “I do not like him he is a hot guy that has the brain of a llama and attitude of a baboon; just like all of the cute boys in the world.” Sam snorted in amusement while Natalie started giggling; they were both looking right over my shoulder. “And another thing-,” I started to say while turning around only to come face to face with Nick’s chest.

            “So you think I’m hot huh,” he stated with a smirk looking down at me.

            Smirking back up at him I replied, “If you heard that part then you also heard the part about being a combination of both a llama and a baboon, a llamoon if you will.”

            He narrowed his eyes in confusion while I shoved by him to get to the paper mache that I had made in preparation of the mountain. I could feel his eyes on my neck but after a while he left me alone to deal with my hysterical friends. “You guys are assholes,” I stated sliding newspaper strips into the white goop and back out before smacking it onto my chicken wire model; they just laughed harder.

            I ignored them until they calmed down and after a while Sam asked, “So Josey are you considering coming to the dance yet? If you don’t want to bring a date fine but I want to see all of our decorations in the finishing stage.”

            Slapping another piece of newspaper onto the wire I snorted and said, “I wouldn’t come within two miles of this room on the night of the dance, I would rather slit my throat and die alone.” What I did not expect to come of this was for them to start begging me like a bunch of two year olds.

            “Please Josey!”

            “You have to go to your first school dance!”

            “What if Nick wants to go with you?”

            “Yeah you have to give him a chance even if he is a llamoon.”

            “If you don’t go then I’m not going either and I already have a date,” Sam stated angrily crossing her arms over her chest while I ogled at her. When the hell did Sam get asked out to the dance and why am I hearing about this just now? I hate to admit it but I kind of felt hurt that she didn’t decide to tell me this until now.

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