Chapter 17

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            The second I woke up the next morning I felt like my heart was being ripped out of my chest all over again and curled up in a ball not planning on going to class. Damn Nick, he’s the reason why I feel like shit, and why my hand hurts from punching those guys last night. There was a click as the door opened, with a groan I rolled over onto my other side shielding my eyes from the light.

            “Josey I know you feel like shit and I know you are seriously pissed off at the world but you have to go to class before the teachers start to suspect anything,” Sam told me sitting down on the edge of my bed. I heard some shuffling footsteps and realized Natalie must be in here to for moral support.

            In response to Sam’s speech I just tugged the blankets completely over my head holding the edges down when she tried to tug the blanket off my bed. I heard her sigh in frustration and get off my bed slamming the bedroom door shut behind her. “That’s what I’m talking about,” I exclaimed wiggling and getting comfier within my sheets.

            Five minutes later I heard whispered voices coming from the living room and towards my door. This time it sounded like the door was kicked open and cracked against the wall behind it. I continued to ignore them knowing they would leave eventually when arms wrapped around my waist and lifted me and the blankets clean off the bed and started carrying me towards the bathroom.

            Struggling I managed to get my head out of the blankets to see that Tim and Dylan were the ones holding me hostage. “Guys, let me go,” I exclaimed wiggling like mad trying to get them to drop me. When they got me into the bathroom they then proceeded to place me on the edge of the bathtub.

            Placing a foot against my chest and a hand on the water nozzle Tim threatened, “Josey, you either get up and come to class or I’m going to give you a forced shower. Which I’m sure neither of us will enjoy too much since you’ll probably get me as wet as you.”

            Rubbing the sleep out of my eyes I glared at him then pushed his foot off my chest standing up and going back into the bedroom. Nat and Sam watched me with wary expressions which turned relieved as I pulled open a wardrobe drawer grabbing black skinny jeans and a black and white striped t-shirt. Walking back into the bathroom I stated, “You are either going to walk out of here yourself or I’m going to punt you guys out because I’m not getting changed in front of you two.”

            They both turned bright red and quickly scrambled out while I slammed the door shut behind them and stripped out of my pajamas. Pulling a brush through my hair I examined my reflection hating the sad worn out look in my eyes. I quickly changed into my clothes and put on some black mascara, white eye shadow, and a soft pink lip gloss.

            Walking back into the room I grabbed my backpack and started throwing in all of my books and folders pulling on my black chain boots. Once I had everything packed and I grabbed my sketchbook I faced my four friends asking, “Well are we getting to English class or not?” Sharing smiles they all got up and followed me out of the girls’ dorms then making a quick stop on the second floor so the boys could grab their backpacks.

            I followed behind the four of them looking at how close Sam and Tim were standing next to each other, then how often Natalie and Dylan smiled at each other. If it wasn’t obvious to them all that they liked each other then I don’t know how long it would take them to figure it out. We all walked into the English room laughing and I completely ignored Nick’s hunched over figure in the back corner of the room even when he sat up and looked right at me.

            Sam and Natalie sat on either side of me then the boys sat in front swinging around in their seats to talk to us. Tim and Dylan had apparently started working on a film together for an extra credit thing in their last class they had when I was in art, and they started telling us about it when I heard high pitched giggling behind me. I didn’t have to turn around to know that is was Crystal and her crew.

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