Chapter Seven

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Days had passed, and my dreams got worse. My dreams weren't normal annymore. My dreams were stil? l italian and I could understand them perfectly. But that wasn't so weird was it? I mean you could understand anny languagein your dreams right?

I had been worried every night. Every night I weant to the window, and there the figure was. It was standing outside my window smiling. I saw the shadow more offten to. Nelly and Bella where never calm either. They were allways running around the room, but mostly looking out the window. They never left the room, only when they had to go to "the toilet".

Mother hadn't been so happy either. She had gotten sick and had a big headacke ever since the bad weather started. I hadn't heard annything from Lilly either, witch was weird. She had sent me a message, that said something about visiting her grandmother, wich I didn't believe, because her parents where still in town.

 It was day outside, but it seemed to be as dark as night. The rain was dropping on the roof. It felt strange. Something didn't seem right. I had the feeling something was going to change. Something was going to happen.

I was walking through the corridor, with all these thoughts in my mind. I couldn't understand why al these things where happening. It couldn't be a sickness that was comming from somewhere. The weather had been so dark and cloudy. Nothing was like it used to be. People where starting to get angrier and angrier. There where often fights in town, and dad had to go there when the big fights had started.

The corridor was dark. I was wearing some jeans and a red top while my hair was hanging over my shoulders, curly. I had to walk through the darkest part of the castle to get to the dining room, and because it was so dark outside, this hallway was darker than it usually was.

Suddenly I heard a voice. It was Damons and Giuseppes voices. They spoke italian. I hid behind a corner, trying to hear what they where saying. I didn't catch everything. Damon said something about here and back. Giuseppe said something about imposible. Damon said somthing with true and I'm not lying.

"But he was dead?" Giuseppe said now in English.

"He never died father. He is alive, and he's here to take what he didn't get last time!" Damon said sounding angry. But this wasn't English. It was italian. I could understand it. BUt now it wasn't a dream.

"Impossible!" Giuseppe said. " We can't let him do it, Damon!!"

"Do you think I will let him father?!! I can't let him hurt her or anyone else! He has already done to much damage!" Damon screamed. He sounded so serious and so angry.

"But if we leave..." Giuseppe tried. "If we leave, he will follow us, and leave everyone here alone!"

"I can't", Damon said. "I love her..."

"Stop beeing so selfish Damon!", now Guiseppe was angry.

"I am NOT selfish father! He will kill her and everyone else, eaven if we leave, because he knows that I love her!!!"

I could hear Damons voice getting louder and angrier. My eyes had tears. I was scared. What where they talking about? Who was Damon in love with?! What was going to kill "everyone"?

Suddenly the voices faded. They where still talking but I couldn't hear anything. It was now italian. But I couldn't understand what was happening now.

I rounded the corner to see that they where gone. I stood there in the middle of the hallway. This was insane. What was happening to me?! I could understand italian in my dreams, but in real life? From understanding nothing, to everything, to nothing again? The tears started falling and I gasped for air. Was I going mad?! I ran into the little cleaning scrub. As I sat down on the floor I heard something. It didn't feel real. It wasn' t this feeling again. This time it was...some voice. Weak. I stood up and opened the door. No one was there, but the voice seemed to move. I stoped crying and went after it. I rounded a few corners. Suddenly I came to a door. I tried to twist the handle, but still locked. I waited a few minutes. The voice was gone. 

The door led to the basement. I had allways wanted to go down there, but mom and dad wouldn't let me. They said that there was nothing there. But if there wasn't anything there, why couldn't I go into it. I turned around to walk away but looked back at the door. I hadn't heard the voice, but I knew that it had something to do with the basement. Something people didn't want to tell me. Something they wanted to hide from me. Something that maybe wasn't good for me.

I turned around and nearly screamed. I gasped for my breath when I saw that it was Damon. He didn't look charming or happy, but serious. He looked from me to the basementdoor and back twoards me.

"What where you doing?", he asked me in a serious way.

"Nothing..." I said in a low voice, feeling guilty. But for what?

"I told you to be carefull!!!", he now screamed at me as he grabed my shoudlers. He grabbed so hard and I looked up into his blue eyes. Did I see tears?

"I...told anythin...bad", he said slowly now. I felt the wall behind me, as he looked at me. " one wants annything to happen to you.." he said in a kind voice now.

"Whats happening Damon?!", I demanded to know. "I heard your and Giuseppes conversation. Death? People hurt? Him, killing?!"¨

He looked at me in shoock, like I just told a litle child that santa didn't excist. "Damon please tell me whats happening".

We were still standing there, and he was still pushing me twoards the wall.

"I can't tell you...", he said in a low voice.

I looked at him, with my eyes wide open.

"You have to be jokin?! So you know everything?!!! Why I can hear voices? Why I do things that I don't mean to or want to? Why I'm dreaming dreams from the 18-century!!!" I screamed at him.

He looked into my eyes, with fear and anger. Suddenly his eyes turned red, but I could still see his blue eyes. The skin around the eyes crumpled together and I could see the veins around his eyes. It looked scarry but at the same time...interesting.

"Damon you eyes...", I said as I tried to touch them, but he turned his face away from me. I tried to see his eyes again, but as he turned around they looked normla again. Like nothing happened with them.

" I....I can't tell you...", he said in a voice that sounded weak. He grabbed me and hugged me. "I'm sorry..".

The hug fellt comfortable and nice. As he backed away from the hug I grabbed his face with both my hands and stroke away his hair from his face so that I could see his blue eyes.

"Damon...", I said but he interupted me.

"I have to go...look for something...", he said and and walked away from me, and pulled his head out of my hands. He gave me a quick look, that seemed cold, and walked away. Suddenly he was gone, and I was al alone again, there in the dark hallway. I sat down agains the wall, and looked twoards the basement door. I sat there and looked at it for a long time. I kind of wanted it to open but it never did. The darkness came around me. I stood up and as I was going to walk twoards the big garden, as I suddenly heard something. I turned around and saw that the door knobb was moving slowly. I just stood there looking at the door. Suddenly it started moving really fast, and at the end violently. I started running through the corridor. I ran as fast as I could, eaven if I didn't know if someone was following me. Suddenly I came to the glass door twoards the garden, but I didn't feel safe untill I was out in the air.

I started breathing and sat down on my knees. The lights went on in the garden. At first I got scared but later on, I remembered why and calmed down again. I stood up again and saw that the light in the castle where brighter now. Strange....

I looked around the garden to see if annyone was there, then I saw it. A shadow, but smaller this time. I couldn't really se what it was. I slowly walked twoards it. It didn't move, and I couldn't see anny eyes. Not a smile either. 

As I saw it I screamed. Blood was everywhere. Around it's neck. Over the clothes. Over the whole ground. The tree brach was al bloody. I screamed so loud, I couldn't hear anything. Nothing. Only my own voice.

Suddenly someone grabbed my shoulder, and I screamed eaven louder, with tears in my eyes.

"Shhh-hhh", Damon said as he hugged me tightly. "It's gonna be allright!"

I stoped screaming as I looked twoards the body again. It's eyes was wide open, and some tears where still left in the. 

She was hanging on a tree branch. With her t-shirt holding her on the tree-branch. I was going to miss her, my best friend...Lilly.

What is it you're not telling me? (inspiration from Vampire Diaries)Where stories live. Discover now