Chapter 4- Into Eternity

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The doors to Frigga's chamber burst open and entering the room was a pale looking creature

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The doors to Frigga's chamber burst open and entering the room was a pale looking creature. He had pale hair that was braided down to his back, pointy ears, and icy blue eyes. I stood on my feet and watched in fear as Frigga circled around the fire pit that was in the middle of the room, her knife in her hand.

"Stand down, creature, and you may still survive this." Frigga calmly says.

"I have survived worse, woman." The creature says.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"I am Malekith. And I would have what is mine."

Malekith was looking directly at me as I stood against a pillar. I start to move away from the pillar when he tries to take a step forward but Frigga slashes him across the face with her knife. I watched in horror as the two engage in a fight. Malekith shifts backwards and takes out his own weapon, blocking her knife.

I was amazed by Frigga's fighting skills. She was fast and swift and appeared to have the upper hand when she placed her knife against his throat and pinned him down against a set of stairs. I gasp when I hear the sudden sound of footsteps and another creature entering the room. He walks up to Frigga and grabs her by the throat. Lifting her off the ground.

"You have taken something, child. Give it back." Malekith says, walking towards me.

My body starts to tremble as I stood before him. He corners me and for a moment, he and I stared each other down. He proceeded to grab me, but before he did, I gave him a little smirk and I begin to disappear. Realizing I was just only a hologram, Malekith angrily turns to Frigga.

"Witch!" He shouts. Malekith begins to walk towards Frigga. "Where is the Aether?"

"I'll never tell you." Frigga says.

"I believe you."

I peer my head around the door, coming out from my hiding place and gasp quietly when I watch the creature holding onto Frigga plunge his knife into her back. She cries out in pain as her body falls limply to the ground.

"No!" I hear the sound of Thor's booming cries as he rushes into the room and throws a bolt of lightning at Malekith, burning the left side of his face. The creature grabs onto Malekith and they begin to make a run for it when Thor angrily throws Mjolnir at the both of them, causing Malekith and the creature to fall over the balcony and landing on the ship that was below them. Thor runs to the balcony and throws Mjolnir again at Malekith's ship just before it disappears.

My eyes become red with tears when I watch Mjolnir return to Thor's hand and Thor watching over his mother's lifeless body, completely distraught. He looks at me with solemn eyes and our heads turn when we see Odin entering the room. He quickly rushes over to his wife and pulls her into his embrace.

I couldn't understand why I was crying. I hadn't known Thor's mother for long until the incident between her and Malekith. But what I learned from her was that she was a kind and caring mother and a loving wife who would do anything to protect her family and the people she cared about. She tried her best to protect me even though we barely knew each other.

What had happened today was no accident. It was my fault that she died. My fault that Malekith invaded Asgard. I look over at Thor once more and notice tears glistening in his eyes as he peers over at his father cradling Frigga in his arms. If I could've done something instead of just standing there...

That's just it. There was nothing I could've done. She was gone.


Asgard was beautiful at night as it was during the day. The stars shone brightly as they reflected against the dark sea. The citizens of Asgard gathered together as they mourn the loss of their queen. A wooden boat carries Frigga's lifeless body out into the sea, slowly making its way towards the edge. I stood next to Thor as my heart hammered within my chest, almost constricting my breathing.

Tears continue to stream down my cheeks and seeing Thor look down at me, I feel a light tap from his elbow. Realizing I was holding my breath, I release a small but quiet breath and hold tightly onto my shawl that was wrapped around me, feeling the cold wind gently blow through the air.

I hear the sharp twang of a flaming arrow soaring into the night sky and watching it land on the queens boat, it lights up in flames. After the boat was lit, more flaming arrows soar into the sky, setting the rest of the boats that followed behind Frigga's boat aflame. I jump slightly at the sudden thump of Odin's golden scepter as Frigga's boat falls off the edge of the sea, disappearing into a glittering mist that went up into the sky.

Looking up into the sky, I watched as the citizens of Asgard raise their hands into the air and release millions of glowing sphere like orbs into the darkness above. It was a tranquil moment as we watch the orbs hover above us, lighting the night sky.

This is how the Asgardians will remember their queen. This is how they say goodbye. Her soul would forever soar into eternity.


The next morning, I sat quietly in my room. I was overwhelmed with depression and sadness as memories of yesterday's events play over in my head. I gently run my fingers along my arm and hearing a loud screeching sound echoing inside my head, I become entranced as I walk over to the balcony and watch the black and red liquid substance seep into the clear blue sky. Everything around me was black and red. The sky was red. The clouds were pitch black, every building was black and the water turns blood red. The Bifrost was no longer glowing with magical colors as it also turned black. I look around in panic as the Aether clouds my vision, causing my eyes to turn black.

I slowly raise my hand and watch it glow red as I try to fire an energy blast at the Aether to see if it would cause any damage towards it. I was immediately flung backwards after the energy blast was shot from my hand and I fall hard on the ground. My vision goes back to normal when I hear someone calling my name. Turning on my stomach, I see one of Thor's friends I had recently met, Volstagg and two guards enter the room. They quickly become concerned when they see me rising up from the floor.

"What happened?" Volstagg asks.

"N-nothing happened. I tripped and fell." I stammer.

"Are you alright?"


"Good. You need to come with us."


A/N: Uh-oh, looks like the Aether might be affecting Kaitlyn's powers

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A/N: Uh-oh, looks like the Aether might be affecting Kaitlyn's powers. Also, can I just say that Frigga's funeral scene might be one of the saddest scenes in the entire movie.

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