.Massacara Runs Darling.

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You sat in your room staring blankly into the mirror. 'Wyatt was going to die!' You thought as your hand traveled over the amulet. 'I wonder' You asked yourself slowly slipping the amulet on. It glowed bright blue as bright light shined around you transforming you. You looked back into the mirror only to find yourself with long black claws and fangs.
Your eyes glowed bright orange.

You slammed yourself against the back of the bed. You felt like a monster, you were a monster. You left Wyatt at the moment when he needed you most! You heard a gasp from behind you as your sister found out you were a werewolf. "You're a werewolf!" She said happily. "I've got to get to Wyatt!" You yelled running towards the door.

You hugged her. "I've got to get to Wyatt, and tell him I love him!" You yelled before being grabbed at back of your shirt by Addison. "Wait but then you'll be late for prom!" Addison argued. "I don't care! I'm a monster!" You argued back. "Please Y/n go with me! Since me and Zed are over, I've got no date! And I don't think I can rock this prawn thing alone." She begged.

You sighed. Addison was your family and you were raised upon a foundation where family came before love. But then again you were the Great Alpha which meant the whole pack was your family now and they were dying... "Please Y/n!" She begged. You couldn't say no! Addison had always been there for you so you should now! "Okay." You answer giving a slight smile.

Addison hugged and accidentally let out a sob. "Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." She said repeatedly. "Shh it's going to be okay." You soothed. You guys stopped hugging and Addison dried her eyes. "I promise right after Prawn we'll go to the den." Addison said. "Now let's get ready! You nodded and walked over.

In the next thirty minutes Addison had fixed her hair, done both of your makeup, painted both of your nails, and was currently re-curling your long white locks. "Hey Addison?" You asked as she put on her baby blue dress in the bathroom. "Yeah?" She answered. "How should I tell the pack I'm the Great Alpha?" You asked your question. "Just be yourself." Is all she answered as you slipped on your Prawn dress.

Addison came out and you complimented each other about how good each other looked

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Addison came out and you complimented each other about how good each other looked. You began to tear up for no apart reason. Your mom walked in with a camera and gasped proudly at her two beautiful daughters. "You two look beautiful!" Your mother said. You slumped down on the bed the dress falling around you. "I don't feel beautiful!" You said harshly a couple tears dripping.

Your mom came and set in a chair right in front of you as Addison set beside you hugging you from the side. "Now mascara runs darling. So why don't you tell me what's the matter." Your mother suggested as she wiped your tears. " I'm just so confused mom. I'm the Great Alpha but Addison isn't. I love Wyatt but am not with him! I'm a monster!" You whined.

Your mother sucked in a breathe. " I always knew you girls would find out..." "find out what?!" Addison asked. "About sixteen years ago me and your father, who were just married not too long before, went out on a walk. We hadn't gotten two far before we heard a baby crying. And there not too far from the Forbidden Forest laid a basket with two newborn girls. Me and your father decided to take them in and raise them as our own..."

"And we named them Addison and Y/n..." Your mother said. You both gasped but before you could speak your mother- or should you even call her that- continued. "And as the two of you grew older. We noticed your beautiful white hair we see today. We took you to a private doctor where we discovered that you had werewolf in you as well as another species."

"Mom... we're adopted?!" Addison asked. You both began to cry. "Shhh it okay be a strong Wells!" Your mother tried to soothe. "We can't. We're nothing like you!" You mumbled. "Your 100% me and more. Even though we may not be blood related but that doesn't make me or your father love you any less. And I hope you will do the same for us." You mother said.

You both hugged your mother. "Of course. We love you mother." Addison said. "Now let's go and rock this Prawn." You said more confident now that you knew your story better. You and Addison walked down the stairs and out the door with two, maybe not biological parents but true, loving ones.

A/n: Oof I got a little deep there. Sorry for how crappy and cheesy this is 😩

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