Chapter 15; day five at the beach

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I was so stuck, I had no freaking clue on what to write, I'm sorry 😐 but y'all, be proud; I finally updated! It's quite a long chapter btw. Oh and;

Grab your holy water. This isn't really an innocent chap. If you're an innocent greenie, I suggest you skip this chap.


also also, I GOT A JOB NOW!!!! And I think I broke my brothers ego lol. Like he used to work there too and he always says that he was the perfect employee and stuff like that and like yesterday they came while I was working and my boss told them that they're super happy with me as their employee and that I'm a good/hard worker. My boss kept complicating me lol and my brother couldn't stand it hahahah. And My mom was also stunned cuz like at home I'm like I don't care for anything really and not focused at all but at work I totally am and my mom was pleasantly surprised.


It was three am and no-one was up. Well, that is until there was a scream. Everyone shot up and ran to Aris and Minho's room, where the scream came from.

They hoped it wasn't what they thought and entered. What they saw was.. what are the right words? Ahh, yes. The right words are;

A Horrified Minho.

They saw a horrified Minho who was standing on the bed, on his toes, while pointing at Aris who has a bowl over something they can't see. He's also screaming to everyone "KILL IT! LET IT PARISH! IT SHALL ROTT! JUST KILL IT!" In a terrified manner.

Aris rolls his eyes, "he saw a spider."


Everyone rolled their eyes and stood ready to attack a tarantula. Aris lifted the bowl and everyone looked from the spider to Minho and then back to the spider. Kira sighed and stepped on the spider, killing it.

"Seriously, Minho? It's three am. That spider was smaller than your pinky finger. You survived Grievers. Those were at least four times your size," Frypan and Newt sigh, Thomas is already asleep in Newt's arms.

"Can someone help me get him back to bed? He's kinda heavy," Newt says while struggling under Thomas' weight.

"I thought you loved his weight on you," Minho sasses as he climbs down the bed again. Everyone laughs.

"I'll help," Isaac offers. He takes Thomas from Newt and puts his upper body over his shoulder and damn, he's heavy.

"I'll help you, Isaac," Jackson offers and grabs Thomas' ankles, Isaac shifted Thomas and laid him on the ground. He lifted Thomas by his armpits. They carried him to Newt and his room.

"Thanks," newt says sleepily. Everyone went back to bed.

Four hours later everyone was awake again and sipping either coffee or tea or water. Derek yawned, which made Liam yawn, which made Kira yawn. "Damn you, Minho," Kira says sleepily.

"Sorry, sis."

"I didn't sleep for the rest of the time," Kira groans.

"Oh great, we have a grumpy Kira now," Liam sighs.

"Oh shush, she's sexy this way," Malia says as she snakes her arms around Kira's waist, Kira just swatted them away.

"I'm not in the mood," Kira snarled.

Malia removes her arms instantly, "I take it back, grumpy Kira is mean."

"Oh really? I haven't noticed," Kira sasses.

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