Chapter 2; MY FOOD

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Word count; 2687

~in the cafeteria~
-Teresa POV-

I'm sitting at an empty table, waiting for Minho and Thomas.

All of the sudden the door opens with a loud bang, making everyone turn to that direction.

I see Minho frantically running and searching for me.

"TERESA! HELP!" In the back ground I suddenly hear Thomas.

"MINHO! KEVIN YUKIMURA! COME BACK HERE! I'M GONNA KILL YOUR SHUCKFACE!" I chuckled and waved Minho over and he hides behind me.

"What did you do?" I laugh, "I might have stolen and eaten his food. Now help me." I start laughing even harder. "Nope. Sorry shank. Stealing Thomas' food is one thing, eating it is another." I say between my laughs.

Thomas runs into the cafeteria and Minho goes hiding behind some other people.

"Ter! Where's he?! He stole MY FOOD!" I giggled and point in Minho's direction who starts running again.

"MINHO!" Thomas yells and starts running after him and they both start running circles in the cafeteria.

Thomas is catching up with Minho and jumps to tackle Minho, which he succeeds in. Minho is now pinned down to the ground.

Everyone is looking at them. Thomas smirks at Minho and starts tickling him.

"aHaahahahhbahHhhahhaAHAHH! Tho- hahaha- mas- stop- ahahahahajHahaha- please-" they're both wrestling but Thomas is winning.

"Say sorry!" "S- ahHAHahA- sor- HAHAH- SORRY! SORRY!" Minho says between laughs. "Good. Now your punishment isn't over Kevie." And just then Thomas starts tickling harder and is merciless to Minho's pleads to stop.

I shake my head while smiling and stand up to walk over to them.

"Tom. Min-Min. Stop. Both." They turn to look at me and the back at each other and smirk. Oh no.

Thomas gets off of Minho and runs towards me, I try to run but Minho jumps up too and grabs me by my waist and holds my arms so I can't move.

Thomas starts to tickle me and I can't help but laugh.

"T- hahaHHAHA- Tom- HAHAH- no- HAHAHHA- please- bahahahah-" "admit you love Bren!" Minho yells.

"Ne- ahah- ver- ahhahah." "I think it's time for more drastic measurements Min- Min." "I think so too Tommy." The smirks on their faces become even bigger if that's possible.

"Hold her." Minho tightens his grip on me. Thomas shoves his hands under my shirt and starts tickling my -to him- bare stomach and I laugh even harder if that's possible.

"Okay- hahaha- I'm in- a hahah- love with her- ahaha" "in love with who T?" Thomas taunts, "with- ahaha- Brenda- hahahah" they immediately let me go.

"That wasn't as hard was it Ter?" Minho asks and I playfully slap him on the arm.

While we spin around to walk to our table, only to see everyone looking at us while we are still laughing.

We sit at our table and everyone stops looking.

-Scott POV-

The pack and me were watching how Stiles was attacking/tickling Kira's brother Kevin. It was so strange, it's as if they've known each other for years. Suddenly Allison stands up and commands them to stop. This causes Kevin and Stiles to smirk and attack her too and yell something about a girl named 'Brenda'? I think that's the name. Allison gives in and they let her go.

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