Chapter 12

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Delilah's POV:
Today's is the second day of the convention! I chose my outfit though it's not the best put together outfit, it's definitely my favorite. I love sprinkles so I did my best on this one, mommy praised me for it which I'm appreciative about. Today we're gonna be doing face painting, build-a-stuffie, and then we're gonna get to go to the playroom for the first time which is scary because well, there's gonna be littles there and it's gonna be scary but new friends.
"Alright bug, I'm gonna go use the restroom and get your water bottle and make sure I have everything"
"Okay mommy", and with that she walked out of the kitchen. Immediately I ran over to the counter and jumped up, opening up the cabinet, grabbing the cookies that mommy hid, they were brownie cookies and I wanted one so so bad. Jumping down, I nibbled on the cookie and went back to watching Sophia the first on mommy's phone, but sadly the cookie was too big for me to finish in time,
"Princess. You know no sweets are allowed unless you ask and didn't I tell you no cookies earlier, until tonight when I know you've been good"
"But But i want my cookie", but she plucked it out of my hand and of course I went into a tantrum, trying to grab my cookie back, but she threw it in the trash can and I started crying harder. With that she turned around and picked me up, I tried wiggling out. I didn't want to be in her arms right now, I wanted my cookie,
"Angel stop it. No more of this attitude! I will spank you if you continue this tantrum over a cookie"
"I WANT MY COOKIE", I practically yelled and continued trying to wiggle out of her arms but she had me over her lap in a second, giving me ten good spankings. I just wanted my cookie but my cries settled down and I just ignored mommy when she pulled me back up onto her lap upright.
"Delilah, look at me, I love you and you know that but enough of this attitude, I will give you icecream later, I promise I will but we need to get to the convention so we can get you a new stuffie and let us all have a good day, yes?"
"Yes mommy", the ice cream part got me. If there's ice cream then I'm in, jumping out of her arms I went and made sure my paci was clipped onto my onesie and I went to get mommy's phone off the charger, pausing Sophia the first and giving the phone back to her. Once again we met the group in the lobby and went straight to face painting, it was a little line but eventually we made it. I got a cupcake painted on my cheek and Koda got a dinosaur, Liam got a truck, and Sophia got a fairy. With that we all realized it's lunch time, going down into the kitchen, mommy told me to wait with Koda while her and Bea went to go get Liam's and mines lunch. Nodding I got out my water from her backpack and was sipping on it. Anna didn't join us again and Ashton looked like he had a long night. We were at a long rectangle table, so it was mommy,me,Koda, and Ashton on one side and then on the other there is, Bea,liam,Sophia, and max. Ryan was gone because he was out finishing something business related in his room real quick for lunch but sent Koda with us,
"Koda what stuffie are you gonna choose?"
"Hm well It depends on what you're gonna get"
"Oh I was gonna get a pink bear if they have it or a bunny stuffie"
"Well then I'll get a blue bear", nodding, I saw mommy come back and then the other Cgs switched off. Grabbing the pizza mommy got me, I got to eating some of it.
~~time skip~~
Ryan came back to joining us and we were on our way to build-a-stuffie, getting inside, immediately i pulled mommy over to the beads and saw a light pink bear, grabbing it I was super excited to stuff it, getting to the machine with the stuffing, the lady gently took it from me and mommy chose out a heart that actually vibrates when pressed. The lady sang a sweet lullaby to me while stuffing my stuffie, adding the heart she made me kiss it and rub it to make the heart start pumping. Receiving my stuffie back, I hugged her and she felt so warm because the stuffing was warm from the machine. It felt so so nice, going up to the machine to get a certificate for her, I decided I needed to choose a good name for her. Looking at her I decided her name was going to be, Winnie, I typed out that mommy designed her for me and then boom I got the birth certificate for her. Going to the outfit section, I looked for the perfect shoes and dress, grabbing two bows that went around her ears and she looked perfect,

 Going to the outfit section, I looked for the perfect shoes and dress, grabbing two bows that went around her ears and she looked perfect,

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"Mommy do you like her?"
"Yes baby, yes I do, Winnie is perfect for her" With that she kissed my nose and I went and looked at Koda. He had a blue bear in his hands that had a grey shirt on with a dinosaur on it, black high tops, and cute little boxers that also had dinosaurs on it. I was so so happy with that, we paid for our bears and Koda immediately told me that his bears name is rory.
"Okay little ones, it's time for the play room, now, no being mean to each other, or else play time is over and we will go back to our hotel rooms, yes?"
"Yes sir!" We all said to max and then we all went to the play room, I was amazed at this play room,

 "Okay little ones, it's time for the play room, now, no being mean to each other, or else play time is over and we will go back to our hotel rooms, yes?" "Yes sir!" We all said to max and then we all went to the play room, I was amazed at this pl...

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There were other littles playing in there and I immediately got scared but Koda grabbed my hand that wasn't holding Winnie and he took me over to the ball pit where we both jumped in, laughing at each other as we swam around in this. That was when we saw a little boy being mean to Liam, he went and took Liam's stuffie that he just got. Liam had gotten a squirtle stuffie and it was adorable that Liam loved, where was this little boys cg, I noticed that our Cgs weren't paying attention because they were talking to fellow Cgs and what was going on was hidden in the corner of the jungle gym, immediately Koda and I jumped out,
"Hey! Leave him alone", I barked out at him
"Why? He was mean to me first"
"No he wasn't, Ive known Liam for a long time and I know he isn't mean to anyone", Sophia said walking up with her my little pony stuffed animal. It was Princess Luna, and I adored that Sophia came up, eventually we did catch a Cgs attention because our argument had turned into a scene since our voices raised. Our Cgs came up, mommy picked me up and immediately took me away from the situation and so did the other Cgs. I guess the little boys cg had gone to the bathroom real quick, Bea asked us what happened and Liam explained. Soon after as we were all playing with the car table, the little boy walked up,
"I came to say I'm sorry for making trouble and for taking his stuffie", Sophia took over the situation immediately and spoke for us,
"You aren't welcome here, especially for picking on Liam"
"Of course", the little boy said, trying to hold back tears and walked back over to his cg. I felt bad so I gave Winnie to Koda real quick, and walked over to the little boy,
"I accept your apology, I know they won't but wanna be friends?"
"Yeah! I'm Riley, I know I got a girl name but what about you?"
"I'm Delilah, but you can call me lilah or Lilly, do you have a phone number that I can text you on since our group is gonna be going soon to get dinner?"
"Yeah", he said cheerfully, walking over to his mommy, he asked her some things and she wrote down something on a piece of paper which he grabbed and gave to me, "here my number, text me anytime and I'll answer", nodding I went back to my mommy and held her hand as she walked out with me to where the group was waiting. I smiled to myself, grabbing Winnie, I made a new friend and I was proud of myself for it...

There we go, here's the second day of the convention, I'm trying to update this book since I have the time. But yes here's more of if♥️

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