Chapter 10

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Delilah's outfit as usual^ the hair bow is yellow for her outfit and not pink

Delilah's POV:

Today mommy and i plus the rest of the group are on our way to a Abdl/cgl teddy con, it's a 6 hour plane ride to get from here to Las Vegas, which is super exciting, we'll be taking our own cars so the drive is just us with our daddies/mommies until we get to the airport. A nice girl from one of mommy's class agreed to take care of our dogs for the next couple days while we're gone. S'mores has a automated feeder so he'll be okay but I'm still sad to say bye bye to them. Finishing up packing, I grabbed my stuffie Kira the elephant and my pacifier clip, which was just a plain white. The convention is a hotel so we are staying there and the con will be in the main area, the hotel is like a venue on the bottom and yes it costed a lot of money to get to go but the hotels big so we can do it. Bouncing down my stairs, I meet mommy at the bottom and she grabs the pacifier clip, clipping it to my onesie collar,
"Alright princess, let's meet everyone down by the park and then we'll meet each other at the airport, all of us bought 1st class so everything will be comfortable", nodding we bounced out the house, I had a my little pony backpack on my which has my coloring books and all my little gear, I was rolling a pink suitcase behind me which had all my other stuff. Getting to the park I immediately met up with the rest, everyone was here with Anna, Koda came up and hugged me excitedly and I was practically jumping up and down, I was sooo exciteddd, our flight is in 5 hours and it's a 3 hour drive from here back to the big city to the airport so we have to leave soon, mommy called us over and so this is what we started planning,
"Alright guys, let's meet at our gate and do the check up and all of that, hide all little gear when we arrive at the airport, make sure that you have all your paperwork, everyone eat something and water, make sure water gets to everyone, once we get off we'll all Uber to the hotel in separate cars, checking the rules we cannot come out of that hotel in little gear so we keep everything private. If going out we must be dressed normally, inside we can dress in anything we want, littles Can be in diapers and everyone is welcomed", with that we all wished each other goodbye and we hopped inside our cars
~~time skip~~
Arriving at the airport, I grabbed my little backpack and unclipped the paci clip, putting my pacifier away. Tucking my elephant away too, I double checked my outfit to make sure nothing else stood out.
"Okay, you look good, here put on this jacket and then everything else will look like you're just a soft dressed person", letting her help me put on the light grey jacket, there is a lot of people here but I feel pretty tired too care, the entire car ride mommy had me singing and dancing songs with her and she wouldn't let me take a nap. Grabbing mommy's hand she gave me a reassuring smile, handing me my cute water bottle I usually bring with me to school. I felt safe with her, she always made me feel happy and good, we've been planning this trip for awhile with everyone and I'm excited to spend this time with her...
~~time skip~~
We finally boarded the plane and I'm so sleepyy, mommy gave me water and some of the dried mango that she had, it wasn't fair cause Anna and Sophia were sharing candy which Max and Ashton didn't notice Sophia had stole. Seeing our seats, Koda and I immediately turned to each other, we had to sit next to each other since we were practically best friends, Sophia and Anna sat next to each other and Liam just cuddled close to Bea, I got the window seat and Koda sat next to me, while mommy and Ryan sat in the last two seats next to Koda, mommy told me it was okay to sit next to Koda and not her since she seemed to be enjoying talking to Ryan. Moving my feet back and forth, Koda and I talked about the hotel and how pretty it's gonna be. I've heard so many great things about this and I just can't wait to get there,
"I'm so super excited to get theres, lilah lilah, just imagine all the fun activities and the playground, oh I can't wait"
"I knowww, I can't wait to hopefully get new pacis and little gear!"

~~time skip~~

"MOMMY THIS HOTEL IS SO NICE" , screaming I kicked off my shoes and jumped on the bed, jumping up and down"Yes Princess it is, tomorrow the first day of the convention starts so we need to get rest, it's already 12am", she chuckled, taking off her...

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"MOMMY THIS HOTEL IS SO NICE" , screaming I kicked off my shoes and jumped on the bed, jumping up and down
"Yes Princess it is, tomorrow the first day of the convention starts so we need to get rest, it's already 12am", she chuckled, taking off her shoes and bringing me down with her onto the bed, rolling over her i straddled her,
"But mommyyyy"
"Alright Alright, Im gonna text the group and let them settle in and then we can order a very late dinner, yes?"
"Yep, sounds good", jumping off her i went to my bag and started putting my clothes into the little closet, mommy following along. I just can't wait for the convention, it's so exciting. I saw other littles in the lobby coming in, there was two little girls with a daddy in the lobby. When we checked in they put wristbands on us,
Yellow- single little
Green- taken cg
Pink- taken little
Purple- single cg
I of course got a pink one and mommy got a green one, we also got a little lanyard with our face on it as id so others can get to know us, I really want to decorate it. Everyone's lanyard is a light blue, and we have to wear our lanyard and wristband for each day of the convention. It's a 4 day thing and today's Wednesday so it starts Thursday.  Rolling around on the bed, I face planted the bed, my tummy is grumbling and I jus want fooddd, feeling a hand hit my bum i jumped up,
"Cmon doll, it's dinner time, let's go meet everyone in the lobby"
"Okie dokie", putting on my shoes, mommy put on a black jacket and helped me put on the light grey jacket from earlier. Skipping out, I felt mommy pull me back,
"Angel, stay close by, this is a new environment and I don't want you running off and getting lost"
"Sorry momma"
"It's okay", letting her pull me along, I looked at all the room doors, wondering what people are inside,
"DELILAHHHH", i immediately got attacked by Koda, jeez it's only been like an hour since we saw each other,
"Hi hi Koda"
"Can we go Im hungry, daddy pleaseee, we've waited long enough"
"Sophia patience, Ashton and Anna aren't here yet"
"Sorry guys we're so late, Anna was redoing her makeup"
"It's okay, where should we go eat", hearing Bea say this almost immediately i blurted "Chicken nuggets!", pulling on mommy's hand while saying it,
"Okay okay Princess, are food places even open at this time?"
"we can always order takeout and then take our littles to one of our hotel rooms so we can all eat together"
"Okay sounds good", walking out, mommy grabbed my hand and we all walked and talked about what activities we should do tomorrow, eventually pulling up to a McDonald's,
"Mommy mommy, i want shakeee"
"Baby but then you'll be up all night"
"Leslie, she's been good this entire time", Ashton chimed in while Anna whines at his side if she could have icecream for dinner
"Okay, a shake and chicken nuggets?"
"Yep, thank you mommy", hearing her order for me, I noticed Anna hammering Ashton for icecream, even with his warnings, I could tell he looked tired, Sophia wasn't even hammering Max, she glanced at Anna but went back to leaning against Max. All of us ordered and we all were talking but only I was noticing that Ashton had disappeared with Anna and when he came back she wasn't with him,
"Ash ash, where's Anna?", I said glancing around him looking, now my question gained everyone's attention and the cgs immediately we're concerned,
"She got upset that I wasn't giving her icecream for dinner and when I threatened a punishment she said that I was being unfair so she walked off to the hotel"
"Shouldn't we go looking for her?!"
"No it's alright Bea, she's okay, she's not little and she can take care of herself, I'm thinking she maybe isn't the one, the entire way here she was just excited about buying stuff and don't seem to excited about the activities"
"How Can she not, we're all excited for the activities"
"Yeah what Liam said, I'm excited for the slime activity", I said, feeling bad for Ashton, I went over and hugged him, hoping he's okay. We all hugged him but then our food came out and all thoughts were lost, we all started walking back to the hotel with our delicious food and you could hear all our stomachs growling at the smell. Entering Beas and Liam's hotel, Koda,me, and Liam went over to the floor to eat our food and the cgs stayed at the table or leaned against the counter in the kitchen. Sophia said she was gonna go check up on Anna, so Ashton went with her. I eventually ate all my food and I started drifting asleep, leaning against the bed my eyes drifted shut and I fell asleep.

Authors note:
I keep changing te characters but the l hm o es who I changed is Bea and Koda. Just cause it takes me awhile to click with the appearances that I think of so I for sure know that Kodak's appearance is permanent now♥️

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