Chapter 1

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I had woken up quite grumpy this morning, I had stayed up late and woke up late at around 8am, realizing I had missed school. What a stupid way to start my day, I just turned 18 and yet here I am being late. Slipping on a skirt and shirt, I was going for a soft coffee kind of vibe today, I usually love the color pink but I'm not feeling it today. Pairing some brown ankle ruffle hem socks and some white vans, I looked at the clock, why am I even looking at this stupid thing, I'm already late. Rolling my eyes i put food in S'mores bowl and grabbed Cocoas leash, "cmon dog lets go to our favorite cafe", I'm not gonna bother going into school right now, I'm a senior and I'm 18, I don't care if I serve a detention. Walking out of my apartment i shut and locked the door, leashing Cocoa when we reached the elevator. Clicking the down button I stared at Cocoa, wishing I had one of my stuffies and could stay at home all day snuggled up with a mommy. Rolling my eyes at myself i watched the elevator doors open, stepping out I walked out of the hall and into the outside world. I lived in New York, of course businesses everywhere, I had started working at a little liquor store around the corner, it didn't pay much but hell it paid rent. Entering the coffee shop I was greeted with the lovely smell, this cafe was a dog friendly one so many brought their dogs in, as long as the dog was friendly then it was more than welcome. Walking up to the counter I looked up and saw this beautiful women, she had black hair and gorgeous brown eyes, a septum ring and freckles adorned her face. Though her look was quite intimidating I smiled at her and she flashed me a pearly smile back,
"What Can I get for you, love"
"H-hi Can I get a hot chocolate"
"Of course, with whipped cream?"
"Yes please, thank you"
"Okay coming right up, shouldn't you be in school?"
"Oh uh, no Im out of school, how much is it?"
"Don't lie princess and the drinks on me"
"Thank you"
Walking away i glanced down at Cocoa, her giving me the same confused look as me, waiting for my Cocoa, i wondered about what she said. Does she like me, maybe she's a mommy, she definitely looks intimidating, oh her words made me blush, "here you go princess", looking up i walked over grabbing my drink whispering thank you,
"Can I get your name?"
"Delilah Marie"
"Beautiful name, Im Leslie, I hope to see you around more often and princess head to school, you need to learn", blushing I nodded and walked out, taking Cocoa home while drinking my hot Cocoa, noticing how she topped it off with sprinkles. Smiling to myself I opening my apartment door and dropped off Cocoa, "sorry girl I have to go to school, I'll be back home soon", smiling at her I went and grabbed my backpack and once again starting on my journey to school, thinking about the words Leslie said this morning all day.
Getting home from school, I checked the fridge, to my dismay we were in need of groceries badly. Looking at Cocoa I sighed "we need more groceries, why don't we go out for a little walk", I took Cocoa almost everywhere with me, she was my companion and most the stores I went too allowed dogs as long as they were friendly and Cocoa was trained to focus and not glance at any other dogs. Grabbing her leash once more we headed out to a local grocery store near by the cafe. Humming around the isles i grabbed packages of noodle and some pasta sauce, instant Mac n cheese, and some baking ingredients since I liked to bake. Reaching the candy isle, I wasn't watching where I was going, looking at gummy bears I got so distracted I ran into someone. Looking at the persons face I realized it was Leslie, well just my fucking luck
"Oh I'm sorry Leslie, fancy seeing you...again"
"Yeah i needed to get dog food for my dog and decided I wanted chocolate, speaking of that, little one should you be having so much candy", seeing her raised brow i looked at my arms and realized while she was talking I had picked up lots of bags of gummy bears,
"Well I uh, I was gonna share this with someone", I lied hoping she wouldn't catch it
"You're Not a very good liar, your eyes show you're lying, first ditching school and now lying about candy", being dumbfounded I didn't have a response and instead looked down at my feet, seeing Cocoa lay down by my feet giving me a 'you know you fucked up' face.
"I would like to know something Delilah, are you a little? If you don't know what that is then that's okay I'll be headed on my merry way and you won't have to see me ever again but-"
"Yes i am a little", i said cutting her off, "and yes I know what it means"
"May i have your phone number?", looking at her I nodded and unlocked my phone letting her put her number in, handing it back to me,
"It's going to start getting dark, would you like for me to give you and your pup a ride home?", she said bending down to give Cocoa a nice head rub,
"No no, i Can walk, it's only a 30 minute walk, it's not that bad", standing back up she observed me for a second,
"I insist you take my offer, it's gonna get cold and I don't want you getting sick, now please let me drop you off", she had tried to make it sound so gentle but there was dominance lacing her words, nodding my head we started to the cash register, letting her pay for her things first put surprisingly she plucked the basket out of my hands and paid for my stuff. I had told her no no but she shushed me and payed for it. Walking out of the grocery store I followed her out to her car which wasn't super expensive but it was a Matt black Audi rs7, beautiful car, she must come from money. Letting Cocoa hop in the back, I hopped in and gave her my address. We reached my house in a couple minutes with small talk like what were my favorite animals,colors,movie,etc. Getting to my apartment building i started getting out before she said,
"Delilah love, May I come over tomorrow at noon to get to know you better", sayings a gentle yes I got Cocoa out the back and grabbed my groceries, saying thank you to her before going up to my apartment. Putting away my groceries i smiled in bliss and fell asleep in my soft covers with S'mores and Cocoa.

My first chapter, i hope you guys like it and this book is just me expressing a story I wrote out in my head. I'll probably be updating a lot more due to the Corona virus quarantine. Thank you my loves for reading😘

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