
Start from the beginning

"The corps has suffered great losses these years, I was hoping with the instruction of a dear friend of mine, we'd stand a better chance against Kibutsuji when the time comes."

Before the swordsmen could inquire, the screen lining the wall of the room slowly slid open, revealing a familiar figure that caused the Hashira to freeze on spot. Prostrating themselves low in a respectful bow, the woman hesitantly approached Ubuyashiki, lowering herself to a bow before sitting off to the side.

The aegean fabric of her dress pooled at her ankles, the gold band clasped at her thigh and the sliver metal of her breastplate glinted in the low light of the room, which cast glittering shapes along the walls. A beaded headdress trailed down her back, neatly placed in her silky hair as the golden tassels swayed by her ears. Lidded eyes refused to glance at the Hashira beside her. Giyuu was quick to avoid his uneasy gaze, studying the tatami mat below.

"Thank you for arriving, once it started to rain I knew you'd come. It's been a while since the corps needed your help in such desperate times. The experience and skills you possess surely can guide us to victory, after all you are the leader of the Hashira."

Figure stiff and collected upon hearing his words, the woman nodded in response, a small and barely noticeable smile gracing her lips.

"It's my pleasure. Thank you Ubuyashiki-san for requesting my presence, I respect your cause."

Raising her head, dark eyes scanned his scarred face, studying over his features with a growing frown. It had been a few years since she's last seen the man, and it was painfully clear that his condition was getting worse at the minute, yet she couldn't find the courage to speak her concern. It appeared the Hashira present also took note of Ubuyashiki's condition as a tense aura filled the room, refusing to speak up.

"As the time when we'll face Kibutsuji draws closer, I've decided to assign you all under the orders of [L/N]-san. She will help you prepare, and I expect you all to remember her teachings as it is hard to find someone with such experience fighting demons. For now, missions will still continue with paired Hashira, but she shall assess you all individually."

A curt nod was all the woman could present, her palms pressed firmly against the skin of her thighs. Sneaking a glance from the corner of her eye, she noted a few of the Hashira were glancing her direction, making the shying uneasiness in her stomach swell. Her fingers tapped impatiently into her leg.

"Anything to add on the subject?"

Snapping herself from the short daze, a reply forced itself from her throat, the swordsmen awaiting her voice.

"Nothing, Ubuyashiki-san. Let us continue with the meeting."


"A-Ah! Please wait up!"

A feminine voice caught the woman off guard, turning her head to gaze upon the Love Hashira who was currently jogging to catch up with her. Quick to flee from the room after the meeting was dismissed, she mentally cursed herself as her efforts were futile.

"U-Um... Taichou? Sensei? Danchou? W-What should I call you...?"

Voice dropping to a whisper, the pink and green haired girl stumbled over her words, clearly expressing such discomfort as she nervously twiddled her thumbs. Her eyes flickered down to her feet, then to the damp garden outside the engawa, peering up at the ceiling, but refusing to look her superior in the eye. The woman sighed, turning her body completely to face her trembling swordsmen.

"Taichou is quite fine. Kanroji-san, was it? No need to be so nervous around me, I am pleased to be working with you."

Mitsuri's lime eyes widened in surprise, heart pounding loudly in her chest as the softness of the woman's words sent a fluttering feeling through her veins. A small smile slipped across the Hashira's face, clapping her hands together to lower in a bow.

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