Hiding Under a Rock

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'whh..., this is over, right?'

America shot up from his bed roll with his musket in hand.

'SIR, what shall we do?'

'I-I-I... this isn't real, this isn't real, The war was over. Why am i here? Was that a dream? I can't live this again.'


America fell off his cot, and was probably the only soul alive who apreciated being in a dusty cell. However, being in that cell was not getting him any closer to audy. Audy could be illusive when need be. He would over turn the whole continent like the rock till he found her.

There was a jingle by the door, and the sherriff entered with a plate of beans and a pot of coffee.

America grimaced, 'Beans? Really...again? I bet the coffee is strong enough to kill one of arthur 's hangover' A throbbing in his head let him know he was too quick to judge.

The sherriff laughed, " I guess you're not used to rock gut yet, huh? Here, have a cup of eye opener, son." He poured a cup of what looked like mud into Al's tin cup who drank it gratefully.

"Ya might have got into some trouble last night but ya got some friends in this town." The sherrif threw out as he left.

America nearly spit out his coffee and beans. 'Friends? In town?...OH SH*T.' The only friends america thought he has was one terrifying russian, and a equally terrifying prussian. They wouldn't hunt him down would they?

Long story short, yes, yes they would hunt him down like a rabbit.

'Shit this is not good, not good, I have to get out of here! They will not drag me back alive!'

The door opened again to reveal the shereif and the rancher. Oh boy, this got better and better. The sherriff saw his panic elbowed the rancher. The rancher moved his hat straight and addressed 'Sam'.

The rancher sat down on a stool to face al through the bars, "Settle down, your name is sam right? I just have a deal for ya, wanna here?"

America was not in such a position to refuse the deal, so he nodded reluctantly. It was better than being stuck in this cell waiting for the world to catch him.

"Good ta hear, where did you learn to shoot, the war?"

America starred at him mutely with a slight growl growing in his throat.

"Point taken. I understand. Can ya ride well, or not?" The rancher asked suspiciously. Something about this boy was off, mabey he could use that.

America was offended, can he ride? Geez, this youngster. He could thread a horse through the eye of a needle. He just nodded affirmatively, his pride taking a back seat...for now.

"Well then, I need trail hands to pick up a herd in Brownsville, Texas. You're a fair shot, and can ride, it pays $20 a month."

That was a bad deal to al. $20 to be ordered around, and-

His thoughts were interrupted by a distinct accent from outside.

He needed to get out of here and quick. He quickly turned to the rancher with wide eyes, already putting on his hat.
"You dont gotta convince me mister, hurry up, this town is becoming cramped."

The rancher laughed raucously, shaking his entire frame. Al laughed nervously, eyes darting around looking for a way out.

"You heard 'em sherriff, let the boy out! Whippersnappers, 'afraid their blood Ill freeze if they stay in one place too long!" The rancher then started howling with laughter.

Alfred did not seem to think so, that one with freezing blood hit too close to home.

"Get ya horse, saddle, a cantine and get down to the depo by noon." The rancher called from the office door.

Russia was close, america knew that accent anywhere. He stuffed his cowlick under his hat, and pulled it over his eyes. Speaking of the devil, he was talking with the liveryman by the entrance. Dang, he needed his horse...well...he did not have the dough to pay him...one unpaid fee wouldn't break the man.

Al snuck in the back of the livery stable, whispering to the horses as to not rile them up.

"Hey liberty, did ya miss me girl?" He cooed to his horse a pretty bay blanket apoloosa. He rubbed her nose and gave her some 'commandeered' corn. He took the opportunity that he was given to ease drop on the russian.

"Da, I need a sturdy horse that can go a long ways with out going lame, what do you have?"

America tried to not snicker, he was going to get sold a mule. Rule #1, never ask what a horse trader thinks. The liveryman offered to show russia some of the fine equine. Al took that as his que to skedaddle. He gently led liberty out calmly as if he was doing nothing wrong. Once outside got on his horse and took off like the wind laughing like a maniac.

Russia stopped what he was doing. That was americas laugh, he ran to the end of the barn only to get a mouth of dust in his face. He was going to get that American.

He went back to the liveryman too cross to see straight, he picked a random horse, "I'll take that chestnut horse, over there."

The liveryman smirked a bit, that horse was stolen and lame, "yes, a fella named sam brought him in ta sell since he just broke a wild horse and didn't need em anymore."

Russia didn't care if a imbecil named 'sam' sold the horse, that American was getting away.

"Sir, the saddle is $60 more." The russian was going to snap.

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