The Rating Game

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We are brought to Kuoh Academy but not the one we know. Not a student nor teacher in site, no classes, no activities, just a school not used for teaching but battle. This was the rating game arena. The sky was green and flowed like the northern lights. The only land was the Academy and the forest that surrounded it. This was a copy of the Academy in the underworld. 

This is where the fight between the Rias Gremory of the Gremory House Hold and Riser Phenex of the Phenex House Hold will clash for the fate of the heir of the Gremory House, Rias Gremory. If Rias Gremory and her peerage win, she will not take Riser's hand in marriage but if Riser wins, Rias will take Riser's hand in marriage against her will. 

Rias will have her loyal Pet and Protector Demo to aid her in the rating game. Demo is a Demogorgon taken from the upsidedown by fallen and saved by Rias and was raised by her as well. Demo had never left her side and will now aid her in her fight against Riser so that Rias can live a happy life.

The game has started, Rias's peerage starts off in the ORC club room, while Risers starts in the principle's office. The Gremory Peerage begins preparing for the battle. Rias begins to hand everyone magic communicators which they all put in their ears, aside from Demo. A voice spreads across the academy starting the game.

Announcer: "Let the game begin"

(Small TimeSkip)

Outside in the forest around the school three of Riser's pawns Marion, Burnet, and Shuriya. They are serounded by thick fog.

Burent: "Damn this fog is thick we can't see a thing" she exclaims.

A loud roar can be heard in the distance. The three ladies tense up and get into fighting stance. Keeping their guard up as the silence washes over them. A tig can be heard snaped startling Marion.

Shuriya: "Wh.wh. whos there's!!??" she yells trying not to sound scared.

The three ladies begin to slowly walk forward fully aware of their surroundings.  The deeper they go the more terrified the ladies become as they hear heavy footsteps, twigs snapping, and the sound of a roar in the distance. Non can wash the feeling that they are being watched. Soon they decide to split up to cover more ground and find the enemy base.

(Short Timeskip)

Screams can be heard coming from the forest as they cover the arena. Then the announcer's voice appears.

Announcer: "Two of Riser's pawns retired."

Shuriya is left alone surrounded by fog scared for her life. As she continues her advance she finds trees with large claw marks embedded into them. Shuriya looks frantically around in a panic as she scans the forest. 

Her eyes land on a tall figure in the trees with sharp claws and no face but a mouth that opens up to reveal sharp teeth. The creature lets out a loud roar towards Shuriya. Instead of staying and fighting she turn tailed and run in a futile escape. The figure rushes out from the trees and at great speed and catch the lonely pawn. The creature slash at Shuriya's back and she is brought down to the ground. Landing face first she turns her head to see the creature to be the Demogorgon. Demo opens his flower-like mouth and grabs Shuriya's legs and pulls her into the woods with only screams to be heard as the announcer's voice appears.

Announcer: "One of Riser's pawns, retired"

(Short Timeskip)

The battle between the two Groups continued in the center of the battlefield, the gym.  Issei and Koneko are facing three of Riser's pawns on one rook, Mira(Pawn), Xuelan(rook), lle and Nei(pawns). The fight began and Koneko charged at Xuelan, rook against rook while Issei took on the three pawns.

Walking back to base, Demo can be found with blood covering his white skin but not of his blood. The blood of the three pawns he just eliminated from the game. Before Demo could reach Rias appears.

Rias: "Hey Demo. Nice work. This brings another step closer to winning," she said with a smile on her face.

Demo felt happy knowing how much of a help is. He knows that Rias hates Riser as well as him and wanted to make him suffer. But in due time, it will come.

Rias: "Demo, could you assist Koneko and Issei in the gym, please? I'm thinking that they could use your help," she questions Demo.

Demo gave Rias a nod and began to make his way to the gym to help Koneko and Issei.

(Short Timeskip)

Back at the gym things are looking promising for Issei and Koneko. Koneko had knocked down one of Riser's rooks, Xuelan while Issei using his "New Special Move" and magically ripped the cloths off of Mira, lle and Nei. As the three pawns laid down on the ground embraced as they cover their breasts and privates hiding them from the perverted Issei. (Why did I write this sentence?) 

Koneko: "I really hate you right now," she said with an angered expression on her face.

Issei: "But I thought you'll be proud?" he said shocked.

Uknown to them both Xuelan had gotten back up and about to put in a finishing move on Koneko. Issei looked up and saw Xuelan with a flaming punch ready to strike. Issei yelled out to Koneko.

Issei: "KONEKO, BEHIND YOU!!!" he yelled causing Koneko to look behind her.

Her eyes widened as the flaming punch was nearly inches away from her face but suddenly stopped. Koneko looks up to see Demo grabbing the wrist of Xuelan.

Xuelan: "What the hell?!" she yelled wondering what had grabbed her until she looked to her right to see Demo had stopped her punch.

Her skin turned white as she saw the 8ft monster staring her down. Before she could react Demo used his other hand to grab Xuelan's neck and lifted her off the ground choking her.  Demo brought her closer to his face when he opened his mouth and let out a roar that made her bones shake and made her scream in terror but can barely be heard as the hand around her throat was cutting off her air. Demo then threw her we all his might and she flew through the air and into one of the walls where she laid motionless on the ground, unconscious.   

Issei and Koneko sighed as they have won the fight. Soon after Rias's voice came up.

Rias: "Issei, how's it going?" she asks wondering if they have claimed the gym.

Issei: "All good, we defeated Riser's pawns and rook. Plus I got too ripe some of their clothes off," he said with a smile on his face. 

Rias: "That's good, I advise you to get out of there quick. Akeno is in position" she advises Issei.

Issei, Koneko, and Demo rush out of the gym leaving the four members of Riser's peerage inside. As soon as they exited a powerful lighting strick came from the sky and struck the gym destroying it leaving nothing left. Soon the announcer's voice appears.

Announcer: "Three of Riser's pawns and one of Riser's rooks, retired"

We see Akeno flying high in the sky admiring the destruction she had caused. 

Issei: "Wow, that was badass," he says in aww of Akeno's power.

Koneko: "That's one way to put it. The reason why she is named the priestess of thunder" Koneko says still with no emotion. "We should make our way to the athletic field," she says still with no emotion as she begins walking away.

Issei: "Wait up" he exclaims trying to catch up along with Demo.

But before reaching her a powerful strike from the sky hit Koneko and sending Issei and Demo flying. Issei falling flat on his back while Demo caught himself and plunged his claws into the ground stopping him in his tracks. Issei gets up to see Koneko badly wounded and rushes to help her while Demo looked around to find out where the blast came from. He sees a woman with purple hair and holding a staff then she speaks.

???: "That's one"

Rias's Pet and Protector (Demogorgon and Highschool DxD)Where stories live. Discover now